Suga foot hurt himself again.

This reminds me of the fight where Sean couldn’t even stand. All his opponent had to do was stand and disengage and the fight would have been stopped. But NOOOO, he kept going to the mat with Sean. Seemed sketchy as hell.
Fighters get hurt in fights all the time. People are making such abig deal about it with O'Malley though. Whatever. <Fedor23>
Fighters get hurt in fights all the time. People are making such abig deal about it with O'Malley though. Whatever. <Fedor23>

Sir, I have been watching fights for 30+ years, and I can't recall someone hurting themselves as much as him.

Kids wearing a boot, a splint.... in a win.

I have seen guys that kick a lot harder than him not have to wear a boot sir.
This reminds me of the fight where Sean couldn’t even stand. All his opponent had to do was stand and disengage and the fight would have been stopped. But NOOOO, he kept going to the mat with Sean. Seemed sketchy as hell.
Andre Sukomtath, I believe that's how you spell it lol
Sir, I have been watching fights for 30+ years, and I can't recall someone hurting themselves as much as him.

Kids wearing a boot, a splint.... in a win.

I have seen guys that kick a lot harder than him not have to wear a boot sir.
Give me the list of the injuries O'Malley has had and we can try to make a comparison to some other fighters. Probably with Cruz as the first nomination.
Doesn't exactly throw with power and still breaks his hands and feet. If his opponent has a chin (Moutinho, Chito), they won't go to sleep, they'll just get battered with accurate shots and turn into hamburger. Chito's face was absolutely destroyed. This is why Ilia is such a terrible matchup. Same for anyone that has a chin and legit KO power that has 25 minutes to land a kill shot.

Good point.
I think Topuria is slick enough, with good enough grappling to land the kill shot.
Give me the list of the injuries O'Malley has had and we can try to make a comparison to some other fighters. Probably with Cruz as the first nomination.

Ok, lets do this....have you ever seen a fighter have a boot and a friggin cast as soon as the fight ended?....yeah me either.
Ok, lets do this....have you ever seen a fighter have a boot and a friggin cast as soon as the fight ended?....yeah me either.

Does that in any way mean he gets injured more than other guys?
Does that in any way mean he gets injured more than other guys?


What about when he broke his foot against Andre Sukomtath, or broke his hand against Kris Moutinho, and injured against Chito...and now injured again against Chito.

Yes, its a fight and people get hurt, but this kid hurts himself a fuckin lot dude.
If you take a baseball bat and beat the shit out of someone for 25 minutes straight, the bat will start to break