Sugar Free Red Bull


White Belt
Jul 22, 2007
Reaction score
Good or Bad ? I find it has actually helped me a bit lately as I'm up at 5:30am, get off work at 3, hit the gym, then have muay thai class at 7:30pm, I drink one right around 7 and I feel good for a good solid hour...some people say it's bad because you peak fast then come down hard, I peak, that's for sure, but it lasts about an I'm debating to take this before a fight...
if you ever see it around try that 5 hour energy stuff, its good shit, i really like it.
I find that Go Fast Light gives a good kick... without the crash. Plus it has ribose in it.
Aspartam, goes straight to you liver and also fcks with your insulin.
Horrible IMO, I'd go and buy some supplement drink with taurine and coffeine instead.
Aspartam, goes straight to you liver and also fcks with your insulin.
Horrible IMO, I'd go and buy some supplement drink with taurine and coffeine instead.

that 1st line is what m akes me think this section needs a serious rehaul.
Red bull is a horrible thing to drink daily health wise and even more when things are sugar free that means they are filled with artificial sweetners and that is much worse than sugar! Stick to coffee or go to sleep earlier. Also if u feel sluggish try a full body cleanser by Renew Life called Smart Cleanse. It helps clean ur body out and remove toxins which may make u feel sluggish. Also the only reason sugar-free items should be bought is for a diabetic and still its not good for them cause it cause other help problems in the long run. Be smart stay all natural when u can afford it.

"Those who fail to take the time to be healthy will ultimately have to take the time to be sick."-Dr. James Chappell
i can't stand sugar-free energy drinks for some reason, they all seem to taste awful

although i'm not averse to trying Xenergy
Too much caffiene will eventually lead to adrenal exhaustion. Plus, it's been linked to increased calcium loss in the urine. Energy drinks, and other caffiene laden beverages are like taking a loan out on energy. And you'll have to repay it later with interest.
yeah, i know guys that guzzle them like crazy, like 3 of the big 473mL cans a day.... that's a little excessive, although i drink the equivalent of 8 cups of coffee a day, so i can't really comment
I drink it sometimes when I need to cram for tests or something.