Sugarfree enerdy drinks- any good?

Drain Bamage

Jun 26, 2017
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I drink full sugar energy drinks and sit around, thus I am getting fat.

Im scared to buy a sugarfree... ive always been of the mindset that jd rather get fat from sugar than catch cancer from artifical sweetener what do you guys think about that?
What's weird is the cheaper sugar free ones seems by far the nastiest!

There's sugar free energy drinks sold here for like 39P.

High caffeine for sure but I have a high caffeine tolerance.

Tastes like fucking chemicals!!! But if you are trying to ween yourself off the full sugar versions I guess they have their place!

I just google imaged the brand I was looking for and can't even find them!!
That’s funny, I only buy sugar free
Or very low
I've been using this lately...

Sugar free monster is love sugar free monster is life
No, but neither are regular energy drinks.
I've had what I think is called Monster Ultimate recently, an orange one and a sky blue one named Fiesta. They were both really good, maybe better than sugar ones.
Sugar free white Rockstars were my thing for a long time. Quit them in January. I hear they’re even worse for you actually, but I don’t know any of the details. It’s just what people said to me when they saw me drinking them.

“You know those are even worse for you, right?”

I preferred the sugar frees because the sugary rockstars made me crash hard. Sugar free gives me the same energy but I’m not useless once they wear off. Anyway, I used to drink three a day, then cut down to two and then quit all together. I was afraid they were going to give me a heart attack
I like a sugar free Red Bull on occasion
I find Bang and Reign (both are sugar free) to be much better than Monster/Redbull/Rockstar etc. but the sugar-free variants of the older brands are still pretty mediocre.


My favorite Bang flavors are Purple Pear Guava, Lemon Drop, and Rainbow Unicorn, but almost all of the ones I've had by them are pretty solid except Miami Cola and Purple Haze. Wood recommend.
Cup of coffee is healthier and cheaper
Agreed. If you don't like coffee then you can do green tea (variants I like have anywhere from 40 to 70mg of caffeine, enough to help you wake up but not enought to make you all jittery). Much more smooth and re-freshing then some shitty carbonated energy drink
99% of pre-packaged energy drinks are garbage. If you want caffeine but don't want weird shit in it then get on green tea or buy energy drink packets (found in every grocery store) that have a decent ingredient profile

Sugar free monster is my shit but I feel like a douchebag whenever I drink it. Shits probably cancer tho.
Agreed. If you don't like coffee then you can do green tea (variants I like have anywhere from 40 to 70mg of caffeine, enough to help you wake up but not enought to make you all jittery). Much more smooth and re-freshing then some shitty carbonated energy drink
Agree, totally.
Mate is also great
Black coffee is pretty good. But, I prefer adding a little bit of milk.
I can't think of one "sugar free" energy drink that isn't terrible for you, Sure, there might not be any actual sugar in it but what is in that makes it sweet?? Just turn it around and and the ingredients will tell you everything you need to know, IF you know wtf you're looking at. The main culprit is sucralose, which is fuckin TERRIBLE for you and your microbiome. But adding a shit load of this (or numerous other artificial sweeteners) let's you put "sugar free" on the packaging. A cup of black coffee or green tea is the right answer, unless you're up on monk fruit or erythritol.