Surgeon in Brazil uses Apple Vision Pro to do the work of a whole medical team by himself.

Lol @ "surgeon in Brazil"

Why so mean! Im just a lil baby white-belt. Say sorry!
"do the work of a whole medical team by himself"

One thing I dont want to be half assed is surgery and this seems like being a jack of trades while being a master of none. If this vision pro has a technical glitch I bet that would be disastrous.
How many patients has he accidentally killed so far?
Now let him use those VR goggles to get rid all of these ads on Sherdog.
So that's quite a few nurses out of the job. Interesting.

In high school I had a buddy that would spend all of this spare time doing computer/tech research. Finally reunited with him YESTERDAY after 20 years. He knows more about tech/AI than anyone I know. He says in about 10 years we are all screwed and half of us won't have jobs. It'll all be done by cheaply made robots and AI. He said there are already plans for robots to run service and build other robots. Super scary conversation indeed.