Tape proves Gen. Kelly LIED to smear Congresswoman Wilson...

Sounds like a standard years old recollection of a speech - with some mistakes.

Clearly the congresswoman is used to politicizing tragic deaths. At the very least, some elements of that speech were inappropriate and it was right for Gen Kelly to call her on it.

So he said she took credit for funding but she actually took credit for getting it named. This was 3 years ago

And this is all they got?

So he fucked up on like a few words she said and he's satan. But Wilson can single out 1 sentence out of context of a 5 minute conversation and she's a saint.

Also according to Wilson. Kelly is racist for calling her an empty barrel

She didn't take credit, she was giving mention to the expediated BIPARTISANSHIP that got the request moved through congress much, much faster than usual. She gave mention to GOP reps, mentioned Rubio in the Senate. That is boilerplate stuff. Kelly made up how she made it all about her, which she did not. He said she talked about how she asked Obama personally for it, she mentioned Obama only to say she brought the pens from the signing statement to give to the FBI, she never mentioned funding once - as explained she wasn't even in the House when funding was approved. Shere did the $20M number even come from - certainly wasn't in her speech.

If he wants to stand in the WH behind the podium and address the WH Press and give a press conference and use a 3 yr old speech to attack and smear maybe he should have got his facts straight instead of going off his biased "memory" of the event that was way off the mark.

He's a liar. Just like the rest of them.
She didn't take credit, she was giving mention to the expediated BIPARTISANSHIP that got the request moved through congress much, much faster than usual. She gave mention to GOP reps, mentioned Rubio in the Senate. That is boilerplate stuff. Kelly made up how she made it all about her, which she did not. He said she talked about how she asked Obama personally for it, she mentioned Obama only to say she brought the pens from the signing statement to give to the FBI, she never mentioned funding once - as explained she wasn't even in the House when funding was approved. Shere did the $20M number even come from - certainly wasn't in her speech.

If he wants to stand in the WH behind the podium and address the WH Press and give a press conference and use a 3 yr old speech to attack and smear maybe he should have got his facts straight instead of going off his biased "memory" of the event that was way off the mark.

He's a liar. Just like the rest of them.

Lol. You live in an alternate reality.

You are literally the reason why Trump is president. People look at you and see someone deranged and vote for whoever u hate
pretty selective lie detector you guys have, maybe you should turn it on more often
she's not a congresswoman shes a rockstar
Quite simply because, they will get away with it, at least in regards to half the population. Fox News has already run Kelly's comments. Do you think they're going to run a retraction, or show this rebuttal? The base will hear his bullshit, and nothing else.
I guess, but then it’s just one more way to attack the credibility of the network, which makes it difficult to use as a credible source in debates. I just find it hard to believe that there isn’t a market for news sources, or politicians, who have fact checked and worded their content to a degree where nothing is blatantly a lie. I’m not even saying make it neutral, make it as partisan as you want, but something that can’t be attacked for being obviously false.
Lol at Donald I know more than the generals Trump now being you can't criticize a general
I guess, but then it’s just one more way to attack the credibility of the network, which makes it difficult to use as a credible source in debates. I just find it hard to believe that there isn’t a market for news sources, or politicians, who have fact checked and worded their content to a degree where nothing is blatantly a lie. I’m not even saying make it neutral, make it as partisan as you want, but something that can’t be attacked for being obviously false.

You're thinking that everybody is rational. They're not, they're emotional. They don't care about what's factually accurate they care about what makes they feel good. Donald Trump launched his most recent (and successful) foray into politics by claiming, with no evidence, that Obama is foreign born and thus not even an American. It's not even an argument that he's unfit or bad at being President but that he shouldn't even have been allowed to run for President. Trump lies constantly and his followers are absolutely okay with it because at the end of the day the white dude is now President and not the black dude with the foreign sounding name.
You're thinking that everybody is rational. They're not, they're emotional. They don't care about what's factually accurate they care about what makes they feel good. Donald Trump launched his most recent (and successful) foray into politics by claiming, with no evidence, that Obama is foreign born and thus not even an American. It's not even an argument that he's unfit or bad at being President but that he shouldn't even have been allowed to run for President. Trump lies constantly and his followers are absolutely okay with it because at the end of the day the white dude is now President and not the black dude with the foreign sounding name.
Without question, there will always be a market for the Fox News, CNN, Breitbart, and Huffington Posts of the world, but there’s enough reasonably intelligent people that it would seem there would at least be a niche market for rational, fact checked news, surely?

I mean, I really enjoy debating issues with my friends, yet I would prefer to not fact check the news sources myself before bringing up points. It’s tedious. So they would at least have one customer.
Without question, there will always be a market for the Fox News, CNN, Breitbart, and Huffington Posts of the world, but there’s enough reasonably intelligent people that it would seem there would at least be a niche market for rational, fact checked news, surely?

There's Politifact run by Tampa Bay Times and The Washington Post Fact Checker. But at the end of the day what are people going to do with the info, try to correct or embarrass the President or try to correct or embarrass Breitbart or Fox News? For a rational person, if they tell a lie, they'll be embarrassed if they're proved wrong. They might change their behavior, be a little more cautious or thorough. Because a rational person would think the people would judge their merit by every statement they give. But again, these aren't rational audiences the President or Fox News or Breitbart are communicating to. They don't want truthful info.
A complete and total misrepresentation of the speech. She never mentioned money at all. He pulled up this $20M completely out of his ass. And she never mentioned asking Obama for anything, only ever mentions his name when she said he signed the bill and she brought the pens from the signing to give to the FBI. He completely manufactured a totally different narrative - and this was said to be from his memory since he was at the speech.

Why would he misremember so badly. For his sake I hope there is another speech on the same dedication that he was referencing. Because if this IS the speech he was talking about yesterday it opens up darker questions about him.

We both know he figured no one would have video of the event.
I think everybody needs to take a step back and recognize how easily triggered you all are; Dotard supporters and resisters alike.
Trump never should have brought Kelly up. It was a p.o.s., but par for the weekly course, thing to do.
Kelly's speech was on point; to get in the mud w/ POTUS over his deceased son would have been even more abominable.
True, he shouldn't have made the partisan comment about the stupid ass hat lady, but his recollection of the event wasn't so far off that we should we levying "liar" charges.

This forum needs an enema.
I was just about to post this.

LOL @ people thinking that Kelly was supposed to be "one of the adults in the room" RE reigning in Trump.

Nobody in Washington who actually has integrity wants anything to do with this administration.

list those in Washington with integrity please.
Sounds like a standard years old recollection of a speech - with some mistakes.

Clearly the congresswoman is used to politicizing tragic deaths. At the very least, some elements of that speech were inappropriate and it was right for Gen Kelly to call her on it.
President Moron is the one who started to politicize the topic. He has no lows.
So we go down — Jim Comey gave an absolutely brilliant memorial speech to those fallen men and to all of the men and women of the FBI who serve our country so well, and law enforcement so well.

I was ready to to fall this obvious troll thread until you quoted James Comey and the NYT. lol.

You obviously don't pay attention the news or what's happening in the United States, do you?

Do you half ass every other aspect of your life, the same way that you do when you post in this forum?​

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