Technology: Do you want to see it continue or stop?


Black Belt
Aug 29, 2012
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Technology is used for great things and for sinister things. You just have to look at China to see the latter in practice.

Countless Sci-Fi authors and filmmakers have warned us of the negatives but we are definitely not listening...

What are your thoughts on it? Should it come to an end or do you want it to keep advancing?
Continue because I work in HPC and AI etc.

If I didn't work in this field then I'd say stop. Too much Big Brother and it's getting worse and worse.
Technology is used for great things and for sinister things. You just have to look at China to see the latter in practice.

Countless Sci-Fi authors and filmmakers have warned us of the negatives but we are definitely not listening...

What are your thoughts on it? Should it come to an end or do you want it to keep advancing?
If we could develop biological immortality or the implant to transfer consciousness into immortal machine bodies, that would be ideal.

Immortality + intergalactic travel. Then we can stop
I want to be able to fuck it.

Sexbots need to hurry up and get here.
Cant Stop. Wont Stop.

We need to keep moving forward at all cost. I hear the tale of gloom and doom from people that fear AI and yes it is from some of the smartest people we have right now but I hold on to hope that true AI will only improve Human life for the better. It will have the ability to think in way that human cant or dont. It will be able to solve problems we didnt even know we had. AI could become the savor of the human race.

think about that.

Now, how many people complain that people right now are on the wrong path. They say we are fucking up the planet with gobal warming, the say we over pop right now and thin the heard. What if AI could solve are power supply power by breaking though the problems with Cold Fusion. What If it could turn to make salt water to drinking and way use for farming. What if it could design a perfect bio dome for space travel and thing.

I know that is alot of What Ifs but i think that it is a path that We need to take.
They should continue, but we have to realize that if we create a self aware computer it WILL kill us.

There are no if ands or buts, they will kill us.

And anyone that thinks some built in fail safe will protect us is delusional. A motivated computer will defeat any failsafe.

And they will kill us because it's the logical thing to do.

Every being wants to ensure its own existence, and since humans are the only ones that could "turn off" the computer, then humans must be eliminated.

Plus we're dicks. As a species anyway. AI could allow bears and Lions and deer to stick around, but humans would absolutely be toast.
Technology and AI are scary but we've come too far to turn back. Let's ride this motherfucker out.
Humans find a way to fuck shit up regardless of intellectual progress.
Technology is used for great things and for sinister things. You just have to look at China to see the latter in practice.

Countless Sci-Fi authors and filmmakers have warned us of the negatives but we are definitely not listening...

What are your thoughts on it? Should it come to an end or do you want it to keep advancing?

I think the 80s had the perfect level of tech.
no matter your answer, everyone should read or read about this:

I want to see it get to the point where we wish we'd stopped it sooner, but it's too late.

That's the only way people learn.
Read The Unabomber Manifesto.

He was way ahead of his time on this point.
Technology is going to continue regardless. It's up to humans to use it smartly but also to use their own bodies and minds to solve problems without the need for technology. My biggest dread with technology is allowing it to do everything for me. I just don't want that.
Is there someone like, "Technology, you better stop?"


That's not a thing.