Tell me shit people say that pisses you off

idk if there's a true english counterpart but only line that truly make me want fill the whole building with uppercuts

"i'm just like that"

or something similar to explain why you did that cunt move, and that you will do again if given chance

I do plenty of wrong shit, but i do it because i chose to do it
" to nothing."

It's either something or nothing. Someone either paid for something or got it for free.
“It is what it is” makes me want to punt a kitten.
Overuse of the word 'like', popularised by internet younguns. Its creeped into the speech pattern of my young nephew whos deep into tiktok, and I fear hes done for. Similar to those who swear every other word, it becomes a mental bridge between words in the sentence and the person comes across as an airhead.

Any crappy word that anyone under the age of 15 thinks is good. I mean "lit". Seriously? Or "woke". Oh and double negatives. Cracks me up when people use double negatives.

Not pisses me off but people beating around the bush about death. "He's past on", "he's in a better place". Say it how it is. He's dead. Lets talk about it, not be afraid of death and actually realise you have one life to live. It's not a dress rehearsal. Get at it.