Movies The 40-Year-Old Virgin vs. Office Space - Which is the better movie?

Which is the better movie?

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Formally known as MXZT
Platinum Member
Jun 28, 2010
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Two classic comedies I believe.

I give both a 9/10.

The 40-Year-Old Virgin (plot summary):

Forty-year-old Andy Stitzer has done quite a few things in his life. He's got a cushy job stamping invoices at an electronics superstore, a nice apartment with a proud collection of action figures and comic books, good friends, a nice attitude.

But there's just one little thing he hasn't quite gotten around to doing yet--something most people have done by his age. Done a lot. Andy's never, ever, ever had sex--not even by accident. So is that such a big deal? Well, for Andy's buds at the store, it sure is. Although they think he's a bit of an oddball, there's certainly a planet full of stranger (and homelier) guys who've at least had one go at having a go.

They consider it their duty to help Andy out of his dire situation and go to great lengths to help him. But nothing proves effective enough to lure their friend out of lifelong chastity until he meets Trish (Catherine Keener), a 40-year-old mother of three. Andy's friends are psyched by the possibility that "it" may finally happen...until they hear that Andy and Trish have begun their relationship based on a mutual no-sex policy.

Office Space (plot summary):

Three software engineers have had enough of the daily grind working their dull, mundane jobs at Initech Corporation. Subjected to filling out useless forms, fighting with faulty office fax equipment, and their obnoxious boss Bill Lumbergh are enough to drive anyone crazy.

When Initech announces that they're bringing in efficiency consultants the staff are afraid for their jobs. Michael, Samir, and Peter scheme to Get even for the job loss with a software programming scheme that aims to take Initech for a small fortune through a virus that is designed to skim the rounding on each banking transaction to Peter's bank account.

Unfortunately thanks to a typo on the decimal the virus skims a lot or money.

Realizing they don't have much time the three scramble to cover their tracks and avoid prison. Can they recover and get out of their predicament safely?


Seen office space many times. Seen 40yo Virgin once. Office space is just greatness up there with Something about marry. 40 yo Virginia os good but not on same level
I thought 40YO Virgins best jokes were all in the trailer. It was the same with Knocked Up. I guess I'm the minority but for me it feels like Apatow stacks his trailers with jokes so you think you're going to see a comedy but once you're in the theatre you find it's actually a C-level relationship drama. After Knocked Up I swore he'd never catch me with that shit again
"Office space" is a classic hero story. Real life drama/comedy/tragedy. Could have been a documentary.

"40-y.o. virgin" is incel fantasy folklore.
Only when feminazis had raised enough sissyboys in our society, this fantasy could be made, aka in the 21st century. It would have been impossible to make back when men were men, and women were women.