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The Cruelty of Apathy


4 Rounds for Time:
1200 Meter Assault Bike
12 Back Squats
12 Box Jumps
12 Ring Dips
--Time: 22:15

>>>I was feeling a bit bummy and anxious today for no good reason so I decided to drop into the local CF gym for their 5:30 class. It was fun. I only did the back squat at 95# because they were in a hurry to start the workout. I'm not mad about it at all. First time doing dips in over a year. 48 was... a lot. My shit hurts.
AM Workout

10 Minutes of:
Row, Meters
:45 @ 70%, :15 @ 85+%
--Break 5 Minutes
10 Minutes of:
Ski, Meters
:45 @ 70%, :15 @ 85+%
--Break 5 Minutes
10 Minutes of:
Bike, Meters
:45 @ 70%, :15 @ 85+%

>>>Meters were: 2550, 2350, 4650, or there abouts. Just moving and breathing, working on pacing.

PM Workout

EMOM x 32
1: Rope Climb
2: GHD Sit Up
3: Calorie Row
4: Rest
1: Farmer's Carry (50# DB Ea Hand)
2: GHD Sit Up
3: Jump Rope
4: Rest

>>>This was the workout at that CF gym in the evening. Glad I can still rope climb decent enough. Cranked out three no problem each round. In retrospect going for the GHD sit ups was a bit spicier than anticipated. I didn't keep track of much else but there were 120+ of those.


Alternating movements
Front Squat x 4-4-4-4
Bench Press x 6-6-6-6
(135, across)

>>>First time back on front squats, felt great. Very tall, smooth, etc.. 205 felt like it should right about now. My shoulders were still hurting really badly from those ring dips so I didn't try to progress on the bench really.

26 Minute Clock
With Partner
--Row, Meters
--Every 2:00 one partner performs 7 Burpee Box Jump Overs

--Total: I have no idea how many meters, forgot to look at the end.

>>>I kept my pace very chill. Never above 75%, always had a minute rest before getting back on the rower.


Strength A:
Power Snatch
--135, 135, 145, 145, 150, 150, 150

>>>These felt much better than expected, for suuuuure. At least one in three of the 150's could have had a snappier finish, so I just stayed there.

10 Minute AMRAP
9 Calorie Ski Erg
1-2-3-4, ETC...
DBL Dumbbell Devils Press 35#/Ea Hand

Total: 2 Reps into the round of 8 DPs.

>>>Good little quick workout. Not excited to get strong enough to conditioning with the 50's again though, to be honest.

Strength B:
EMOM x 10
--Strict Pull Ups
--Accumulated 30 in sets of three, alternating grips.

>>>Even with all the shoulder fatigue these felt strong. Sweet. Great pump today.


10 Rounds for Time-ish
20 Calorie C2 Bike
5+5 Kettlebell Single Arm High Pulls
10 Walking Lunges
10 Kip Handstand Push Ups
10 Walking Lunges
--Time 35:00

>>>I showed up for the six-am class not realizing it was actually a 5:30 AM class so I made this up to do after. I didn't have a set amount of rounds in mind when I started. Since I hadn't done a handstand in over a year I decided to let the fatigue there be the limiting factor. Just cruised at 80% everywhere else. In the ninth rounds I had to take a pause on a set so I stopped at ten. Great pump.


For Time
100m Ski
2 Pistols
150m Ski
4 Pistols
200m Ski
6 Pistols
250m Ski
8 Pistols
300m Ski
10 Pistols
300m Ski
8 Pistols
250m Ski
6 Pistols
200m Ski
4 Pistols
150m Ski
2 Pistols
100m Ski

--Time: 12:00
>>>Didn't push hard here, just wanted to get some pistols in while breathing a bit. Double pump day, love it.


Squat Clean Thruster
Squat Clean

>>>I always enjoy this kind of ladder. Everything felt solid except the 190 cleans, so I stayed there. The pull was fine but my legs were tired. So...
For the time being I'm sticking with DOH/Hook grip and all touch and go on my deadlifts.


Noon Class

x3 2,000 Meter C2 Bike, resting as desired

>>>I went for 1:1 work/rest and tried to stay at around 85%? effort. 3:55, 3:55, 3:50. Stellar quad pump.


--25 Box Jumps, Skill/Challenge as desired

>>>Opted to work on stiff leg landing jumps. I've been catching really low on box jumps. This was a good reminder. 20" height I think.

--3 x 12 Barbell Russian Twists

>>>Yeah the empty bar was plenty.



For Time:
1 Squat Clean Thruster @ 135#
1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 Bar Facing Burpee

--Time: 9:00

>>>This workout is very different from what I had planned. I didn't realize they were having a seniors class immediately after the noon so I just made this up to get knocked out and get out of their way. It felt nice knowing I could have definitely gone faster.


10 AM Class


For Total Reps
3 Minutes: Bar Facing Burpees
2 Minutes: Thruster @ 95#
1 Minute: Pull Ups
--5 Minute Break--
1 Minute: Thrusters
2 Minutes: Bar Facing Burpees
3 Minutes: Pull Ups

--Total: No Idea. For sure 52 Burpees and 43 Thrusters. No Pull Ups

>>>I didn't do a good job of making sure I had a pull up bar in the warm up and so there wasn't an open spot when the time rolled around. I just sat out the first round and for the 3 Minute piece at the end I did 155# power cleans, 15 of them. The burpees and thrusters were more challenging than I expected to hold a pace/set on but yesterday did have.... those things. My capacity isn't exactly there yet.

After Class:

For Time:
Devils Press + Thruster 35# Ea Hand
1 Rope Climb Ea Round

--Time: 5:00

>>>Just something real quick after wards to get some pulling in. Great pump. Shoulders are tired.



For Time:
100m Row Erg
100m Ski Erg
200m Bike Erg
200m Row
200m Ski
400m Bike
300m Row
300m Ski
600m Bike
400m Row
400m Ski
800m Bike
500m Row
500m Ski
1000m Bike
400m Row
400m Ski
800m Bike
300m Row
300m Ski
600m Bike
200m Row
200m Ski
400m Bike
100m Row
100m Ski
200m Bike

--Time: 35:00

>>>Well, I could have done the meter math a bit better before jumping into this. Took a while. Pacing felt great though. Held a 5k-ish pace through the middle and tried to accelerate on the way down. I pushed hard starting 200 but I think I could have started much sooner and not hit a wall. Lungs felt solid.


Strict Pull Ups
--Accumulated 51, alternating grips in sets of three.

>>>Not exactly an EMOM as I was having conversations throughout but I'm happy with the volume and quality of the reps.
Well, it's been a challenging year plus, and I find myself starting yet another chapter of my life. A big part of taking care of my whole health going forward is making sure I'm regular and diligent about getting fitness in. I realize more and more how much it helps me not only physically, but emotionally and spiritually as well.

Additionally, I thrive when I have routine and regularity so hopefully maintaining a log again will add another level of accountability.

Anywho, I haven't worked out for fourteen or so months until early last week, when I started doing some light bodyweight shenanigans around the local lake park.

I'm at eight days in a row now and finally taking up my former athlete's offer to use his personal spot so I can move weight again. Seemed like a good time to start recording things again.

I don't have any overly specific goals in training right now. I'd like my cluster weight back. That's the only thing I can think of off the top of my head. I'm really trying to have fun with it while getting in some quality clock time. I've been using variations of deck of cards workouts to keep things entertaining since until today I was working out solo and generally alternating between loaded and unloaded days.

Bodyweight as of 12-21-2021: 162#

Last few days:

Every 3 Minutes x 5 Sets
--x3 Back Squat
--Accumulate quality strict pull ups
Squats @ 185#
22 Pull Ups, alternating grips in sets of two

30 Minute Clock
Deck of Cards
--Draw 4 Cards, perform, rest 3 minutes
Coin = 10 Calorie Ski Erg
Goblet = 10 KBS AM 53#
Sword = 10 Box Jumps 24"
**By the way this is a deck of spainish playing cards, hence the coin and sword. Didn't have a regular deck lying about.

>>>6 Rounds and a couple of reps completed. So a little over 240 Reps. I couldn't tell you what order they all went in but there was definitely a round with thirty box jumps in there that was pretty unpleasant. Pace felt stronger than expected. No rebounds on the box jumps. Doubt my old knees and ankles are ready for that yet.


40 Minute Clock
Deck of Cards
-Rounds of:
-400m C2 Bike
-200m Ski
Draw 6 Cards:
Sword = 5 Burpee
Coin = 10 Sit Ups
Goblet = 15 Air Squats

>>>5 Rounds and back through the bike and ski again. Might have been six, I need to start marking I guess. Pacing was great, lots of built in rest pulling the cards after every set of bike and ski. Hit a round of 90 air squats at minute 20 that took the wind out of my sails a bit though. It's going to take me a while to figure out how I want to program the C2 bike, haven't spent much time at all with it.


--Bench Press
Ended deadlift @ 225, Bench @ 155

>>>Just dipping the ol toes in the water again. Just tried to keep things as clean as possible. Doing my deadlifts DOH in a clean stance for the time being.

Deck of Cards, w/ Partner
Every 9 Minutes x 6 Rounds
Draw 5 Cards, Split reps in any manner
Coin = 12 Axle Clean + Push Press @ 120#ish
Goblet = 16 DB Snatch @ 55#
Sword = 20 Burpee Over Axle
Then: A: 600m C2 Bike, B: 400m Ski (Same time)

>>>Really fun piece with my former athlete whose space I'm using. His conditioning has improved dramatically since he started training for these tactical games. He outworked me a lot on the axle so I tried to make up for it on the burpees and snatch.
Ideally this workout should have been a 50 minute clock with three minute rests after each round. Also, the bike needed to be 700 or the ski 350. Great pump though. Lots of fun. Stoked that tomorrow is unloaded though.
Let me get this straight.....you can do 22 pullups??
Well it was an EMOM in sets over several minutes. Not exactly anything to write home about.
I see. I was thinking about how in Marine PT qualifying for boot you have to do a minimum of 6 and lots of guys couldnt. They did, but straight off the street, very rare. Of course the lighter guys and shorter dudes have an advantage . I'm 6'1 199-202, l lift 4-5;times a week and I can barely crunch out 6-10 over hand. They get easier, it's not something that's in my routine but I did it a couple weeks ago and my elbows were wrecked. I'm an older dude though, so it's easy to get wrecked


530 in the freakin AM

Class Workout:

--225 First Section
--255 Second Section

>>>I actually enjoyed this format a lot. Stuck with the hook grip and touch and go throughout. Felt surprisingly solid, and the second set of 10 wasn't too hard.


Glute Bridges

>>>Before now I don't think I've ever done a GB loaded above 135# but that's what the program called for, so I gave it a go. Felt good, great high hammy activation for me. Would do again.

After Class Conditioning:

10 Rounds for Time:
6 Wall Balls 20#
3 Devil's Press @ 35# Ea/ Hand

--Time: 9:00

>>>Just something to pump the blood real quick. Pacing was fine, could have gone faster, which was the goal. This would be a great 12 Minute AMRAP in the future.



Back Squat
@ 225# Across
@ 245# Across

>>>I really wanted to get back squats in if I felt solid after the deadlifts in the early morning. These reps felt great. Smooth, tall, thick, solid, tight.



Squat Snatch
@ 155# Across

>>>Just wanted to see how some squat snatches felt for the first time again. Honestly, surprisingly really solid and technical ish. I was also happy with the general awareness of positions in the lifts.

1-1-1-1-1 Rope Climb
3-6-9-12-15 K-Handstand Push Ups

--Time: 5:00

>>>Another little quick workout to touch the movements and get some reps in. Shoulder fatigue setting in, had to break up the round of 15, but my lungs felt great so...?


Noon Class Workout

35 Minute Clock
2400 Meter Assault Bike
--Then, Rounds of:
17 Burpee Over Box
17 Overhead Squats @95#
17 Dumbbell Shoulder to Overhead @50#/ea
17 Sit Ups
17 Back Squats @ 95#
17 Power Snatches @95#

---2 Rounds + 24 Reps

>>>This was just shit awful. Easily the hardest workout I've done since I've gotten back to it. Even though I had to take breaks on the OVHS and DBs I was happy with being able to march through the burpees and power snatches without stopping.
Had some other accessory I wanted to get in but this was a plenty for me today.



Power Cleans
@ 185# Across

>>>I wish I would have taken video because my body awareness was not good on these. They felt strong given my level of fatigue but, strange never the less.

For Reps
:20 Work, :10 Rest, 8 Sets Each Movement
--1 Minute Rest Between Movements
--Hang Power Cleans @ 95# (8-8-8-7-7-7-7-7)
--Push Press @ 95# (7-6-5-4-5-5-5-6)
--Pull Ups (5-6-5-4-5-5-5-5)
--Front Squats @ 95# (5-6-5-6-4-5-6-7)

>>>Some of those numbers are for sure off, I wasn't doing a great job of keeping track, what with the breathing and all. My fatigue from starting school and the third shift job are catching up to my ability to recover for sure. Feeling it. I'm definitely going to take it easy until tomorrow afternoon I think. Eat like a trash can, sleep as much as possible.