The delusional McGregor hype has ended

2004 account

For a fair sport/true mma fan, ain't no shill
Apr 29, 2018
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Just like that, Its over. Conor was exposed hardcore

Not even getting into the post fight antics , whether it was wrong or not its up to you, but lets not kid ourselves, if it was the other way around and conor was the one winning and jumping out to attack khabibs brother or team mate, these conor fans would have been cheering him on and spinning it to fit their narrative.

BTW Joe is exagerrating the fuck out of it
you have no credibility when the company you work for promotes the fight with Conors assault of the bus and then act like its indecent behavior when Khabib jumps out to assault Dannis

From now on incessant delusional conor hype threads should consistute a yellow card

Conor was never a complete mma figher
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Khabib pwned Mcgregor before, during and after the fight.

Shamed and humiliated.

edit - McGregor is crying as well lol
I loved it. Even the mayhem. Probably topped Ronda getting KTFO by Holly, at least tied it
The hype train for UFC fanboys has ended. They wanted your money. They got it and duped you with fancy highlights, catchy phrases, and broken promises.
There was Ronda, now McTapper.. haha hard times for the hype-train riders
Conor fans are milleanial ignorant consumers of mma, they are the bottom of the barrel, the lowest of the low , go find some humility now that your messiah has been exposed
so glad mcnuggets lost this clown can go sell his cheap ass whiskey cause he aint shit
Hahahha easiest pick EVER. Conor fans delusional. Conor’s always been overated
Conor is still the GOAT.
Yeah... still waiting for Habib to fight at his natural weight.. Conor is... so whose hype has ended? Oh wait.. Habib is retiring now...
The rematch will be even bigger.
Poor Conor fans will be puking up cheap vanilla flavored whiskey in the morning too.
That was fucking awesome! HAHAHAHAH!!!