The MilkMan Delivers: The Road to 40

Walking 2hrs

Trapbar Deadlift
105kg X 5
125kg X 5
145kg X 5
165kg X 5
187.5kg X 3
210kg X 1
110kg X 5 X 10 reps

4 x 15 reps
4 x 10 reps

Band Pullaparts
5 X 20 reps


Bodyweight 95.1kg
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70kg X 5
90kg X 5
110kg X 5
127.5kg X 5
145kg X 3
162.5kg X 1
170kg X 1
85kg X 5 X 10 reps

Trapbar Shrugs
65kg X 20
75kg X 20
85kg X 15
95kg X 15
105kg X 7 X 8 reps


Been feeling a little rundown this last week, so am going to take next week as a deload, which times well as I'm away for a few days. When I return I plan on running "Building The Monolith" again, leading up to my summer holiday: 3 X a week weights, for conditioning I'll be rucking 2 days and at least 1 judo session a week.
AM: Banded shoulder warmup

Paused Bench Press
20kg X 10
40kg x 10
55kg X 5 X 10 reps

Trapbar Deadlift
65kg X 10
85kg X 10
112.5kg X 5 X 10 reps

Trapbar Shrugs
112.5kg X 10 X 5 reps


Walking 1hr 20mins
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Nice work. Grueling program with the conditioning

Thanks. I have run it a couple of times before years ago but honestly slacked off on the conditioning side of things. I don't intend to make the same mistake this time.

Building The Monolith, Week 1, Day 3

Bench Press
60kg X 5
67.5kg X 5
77.5kg X 5
87.5kg X 5 X 5

Trapbar Deadlift
85kg X 5
105kg X 5
125kg X 5
132.5kg X 5
152.5kg X 5
172.5kg X 3 X 5 reps

Barbell Curls
20kg X 10 X 10

Pinch Grip Plate Rows
10kg X 3 X 20 reps each side

Sandbag with judo belt upright rows
12.5kg X 3 X 20 reps


Walking 45 minutes
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