The Official "How do you feel now that you eat good?" Thread.

I definately struggle with my diet. Today for example...

I was preparing meals for the day when I get a call from my aunt who is literally outside my apartment with the kids and asks if I want to do this Geo-tracker something with them, so I figure sure, I don't get to see them that much adn it will only take an hour or so and just ditch my prep for an hour later. Five hours later and the only thing I had access to is coca-cola and fast food. Oof. The only fruit I had in the fridge was a whole pineapple. Just excuses, I could have had them stop on the island got some water and fruit or something, but I didn't even think of it.

I am about 193lbs now, I want to be around 165 for athletics. No matter how much fat I gain, I never look fat.
talking.dingo said:
Anecdotely, do you think the hunger response could be a result of heightened sensitivity to blood sugar variations?

Maybe; I don't think eating clean could produce an actual physiological response like that, but I could be wrong.

IMO, it's more of a psychological/satiety issue, especially if a guy adheres with strict discipline to Berardi's carb rules.

I know I get crazy wicked cravings for crackers, of all things. Strangeness.
My mom raised me on whole wheat and lentils. I think thats why I turned out to me a good looking person.

Changes that have occured to me ever since I got serious about nutrition:
-Glowing/clear skin
-Bulgyness of eyes is significantly reduced
-Memory/concentration better (although some of that has to do with being an engineering major)
-Recovery is faster
-Fast athletic improvement
-Can go 4 days in a row with an average of 3 hours a sleep a night (for finals week) with out caffine (except for green tea)
-Rarely getting sick. If I do, its a sore throught for day or two, far not enough to stop my training
-Crave real food like whole wheat, veggies, legumes. As long its nutritious and natural, despite the taste, I know i'll crave it eventually
-Sleep is deeper
-I am very happy
-More money from never having to buy frozen/processed/can foods.

Madd propz to the guy know raised his kids on health. I am going to do the same when I have kids. Quik tip though, don't worry about reducing the satured fat from their diet. Young people need it for harmone production, which they are doing alot of as kids. When they are 18-22 and stop growing, then they could think about it. But for now, especialy since they are eating super healthy and probably getting enough of their healthy fats, don't worry about reducing the saturated fats. Get whole cottage cheese, yogurts, and milk. Actually, John Berardi reccomded that for adults too. See
I changed my diet about a year ago and there are definite changes.

I feel better and I'm almost never sick. If I eat junk-food I feel pretty sluggish and it just doesn't appeal to me as much as it used to. I do enjoy the occasional thick-crust pizza with lots of cheese toppings and garlic sauce though. For the most part it's just more appealing to eat clean and healthy. I seriously cannot stand fat bastards that think eating three pounds of junk-food in a sitting makes them "manly" and think any man who orders healthy food is effeminate. I'll be the one laughing last though. Obesity induced cardiac arrest. Muahahaha
its encouraging to hear so many of you taking diet so seriously. Now this may sound sad and boring to you, but I have gotten so into what foods i eat to help my training and what my wife and kids eat to stay healthy, i started growing vegetables in the garden. Its not enough to support my families entire diet, but it counts for a fair amount of it. Theres nothing healthier than eating something fresh from the ground. My kids enjoy helping with it as well so its cool you know. Like I said i may seem old before my time [ i`m only 28] but its easy enough to do and the benifits to your training are fantastic, so give it a go
I was forced to make some dramatic diet changes due a very serious GI problem, and I can honestly say it was worth it. So much more energy and general health, climb mountains on the weekend and am fine monday morning for work. Pretty cool. Still losing my hair though...
I've always been a pretty healthy eater, without too many processed foods and lots of tuna, chicken, fruit and vegetables. Over the last month or so though I've become very focused on what I eat and I can honestly say I've never felt better. My energy levels are as good, if not better than ever and the physical change in my body even over a short period is remarkable. When I started I thought it'd be harder to eat this well but it's actually easier and a lot more satisfying.
im new to the whole healthy thing (about a month in)

BUT i have started eating around 5 small meals of way better food than i was eating everyday (jackinthebox)

and i also just started working out regularly. lift 3 times a week cardio 5 times a week


PISSED OFF a lot! an hour or so before meal time i get EXTREMELY hungry
my friends say im aggressive and mean now...

im gonna keep at this healthy thing but i dont want to be aggressive and mean when im chillin with friends, rather save that for muay thai
I wish I were that lucky!! I gain 5 lbs just reading the box. But, KK, I am just now changing my ways. I had a life threatening ilness that was killing me(marriage), .

lmao... i was diagnosed with the same illness... I took a couple bitchgetoffme's and I'm cured...haha
I’ve made major improvements in the food I consume. Now I only eat lean meats and veggies. This is completely different then what I used to consume. I’ve been fat all my life because of my terrible food choices. I can blame some of it on genetics, but mostly it’s my dumb fault. I’d never even considered eating the stuff I do now. I was your typical fat kid throughout school. I was everybody’s buddy, but I somehow felt shitty inside. You know it’s bad when my first year of football in elementary school I had to play with the middle school kids. I was so big that they moved me up a division so the playing field would be equal. That should’ve been a wake up call for me but it sadly wasn’t. The weight kept pouring on throughout the years. I finished high school weighing around 360. Nobody ever broke it to me that I was quickly killing myself. It got really bad my freshman year of college. I remember watching the Super Bowl and consuming an extra large pizza by myself. I literally sat down and ate eighteen slices of pepperoni, sausage, and extra cheese pizza. I would sometimes eat a whole box of miniature chocolate donuts then chase it with a bag of crunchy Cheetos. It wasn’t until I found the D&S section of Sherdog that I changed my ways.

I no longer eat junk food. It’s weird how it grosses me out anymore. I’ve also discovered that I love to cook. I mean real cooking not that microwave garbage. I’ve got A LOT more energy. I sleep like a baby now. I think that do in part to my weight loss. I’m sure the pressure taken off my chest is helping me breath better at night. I’ve had bad body acne, but it’s been clearing up each day with my new diet. I agree with what KK said about hunger. I seem to always be hungry now. I can eat six eggs for breakfast and within an hour I’m looking for something to snack on. I can’t even consume sugar now without getting the shakes. I’ve been using Splenda for the last couple years so my body has adjusted to the lack of sugar. I remember eating one piece of my birthday cake and having the shakes the rest of the party. The best way I can sum it up is that my mind now controls what I eat not my eyes. Sure a slice of pizza looks good, but it’s going to hurt my body. I’m able to step back and make a clear judgment on what I’m going to eat.

I’ve probably lost around thirty to forty pounds this year already. My cardio isn’t where I want it to be, but I’m working on that. Hopefully by next summer I’ll be able to start training in Muay Thai or submission wrestling.

I would like to thank everybody at Sherdog for helping me with my life.
Great to see other people as hyped about a cleaner lifestyle. And i will say i will drink 1 or 2 beers if i go out, which is maybe 2 nights a month and i only do that so i dont look like a fucking weird stalker hahah. Usually just order unsweet tea and sip on that. but other than that, im very strict. hell im watching the clock all day long timing and eating my meals every 2 to 3 hours on the button.

i know i drive other people nuts with this lifestyle always talking about it, planning meals etc. but, eating clean and pushing yourself in the gym changes your life, i nearly get sick to my stomach when i see these huge ass lines at the drive thru at mcdonalds.

Packing my meals in the morning gets me excited....its actually made me despise going out, which i need to do since its healthy having human interaction but i just dont want anything to throw me off course.

hell i tried to have a cheat day this past sunday...and i ate a burger and like 4 fries...first thing i got home i said, fuck this im gonna go burn this shit off (even though i know my body will easily burn it) so i hit the gym, did some HIIT and hit the weights...

almost like im heading down the same path as a anorexic but, fuck it! i look great and im happy....and when you can be happy in life, keep doing what you are doing
I think I'll just follow the Fedor diet regiment thank you.
When I first started working out in March I was 230 lbs and had really no idea what I was doing. I learned a little about dropping weight and how to do it while remaining healthy. I dropped down to around 185 and then began getting serious about gaining muscle mass, and getting my body more muscular.

I was talking to a few people about what they take, and ultimately decided to use the Vitamin Shopp brands of Creatine Monohydrate and Cell Tech along with BCAA's. After using these for a few months I gained weight and became much leaner but felt like I hit a wall around 200lbs. After doing more research and finding out how much more annoying using this type of Creatine was, with the loading phase and just annoyance of taking it all the time I recently, about 2 weeks ago switched to BSN's Cellmass. I have noticed some results pretty quickly, with fuller muscle and lack of soreness. I have also been using NoXplode as well with the Cellmass and have enjoyed the results, and ofcourse the lack of a loading phase helps.

I was told in the beginning just to eat mass protein, stay away from carbs unless it was after a work out and followed that for a long time. Now after reading the book by Chris Aceto Championship Bodybuilding, I have learned alot more about what to eat, how much of it, and when to eat it. I am around 200 lbs so I try to eat around 275 - 300 grams of protein a day, split my carbs up evenly throughout the day with the most being at breakfast and after a workout. SO far with the new eating regimen and eating more around 5-6 times a day, with a snack here or there I feel alot better and think I am taking a step in the right direction in getting bigger, and adding more good mass.

Comments or suggestions by all of you are welcomed. Thanks
BREAKFAST: porridge,scrambled eggs or fruit and a protein shake
MID MORNING: dried fruit and seeds or rice cakes and a bannana
LUNCH: a good protein source like turkey,chicken,tuna or mackerel with brown rice and some leafy green vegetables
EVENING MEAL: a good protein source like turkey,chicken,tuna with either sweet potatoes or whole wheat pasta and alot of vegetables
PRE TRAINING: bannana,apple and a protein shake
POST TRAINING: a good protein and carb shake a handfull of raisins and a turkey salad wrap
SUPPLEMENTS: protein shakes and glutamine
I normally have 1 day a week where i will eat what i want and if i fancy a snack late in the evening i tend to eat a couple of rice cakes or some watermelon.
I feel so good now. I don't drink anymore, don't eat take out, and eat clean. I used to feel bloated after I ate and now I feel so much better.