Media *** The Official Ronda Rousey Mega Thread *** (UPDATED)

I enjoyed her fights, even her losing ones. I can't speak of her demeanor or how she treats people.

Back in the day her Mom showed up to the Judo Club I belonged to and was nice as can be. She rolled with Blue Belts and above so I didn't get to interact with her beyond conversation. If Rhonda's a bitch I'd say she didn't get that from her Mom IMO.
At her height she GREW increasingly more obnoxious and it was evident.

I think most of us on here cheered when she got KO’d as well. The Holly headkick KO and satisfying GNP, humbled the living shit out of her.
She seems like a crazy person. You literally criticize anything she does and you're her enemy at that point. No idea how she got so good at Judo when she is so sensitive to criticism.

She even shits on people who try to defend her. There's a particular TV interview which is very telling. I can't recall who the host is but he basically brings up people criticising her and she tells him "people like you". He goes on to say he's one of the people defending her. She begrudgingly says thanks. She comes across as such a bitch in it. I'll try to find it.
That's bullshit. Criticism of what she named her kid is perfectly valid. It's not an insult to the kid, it's an insult to the idiot adult that chose the name in the first place.

Being of Hawaiian descent or not, it's the kid that has to live and grow up with that name. Ronda deliberately chose a name that would be unique... one-of-a-kind, as if it offers some semblance of importance.

Frankly, it's stupid as fuck, but I suppose also fitting considering the cunt who chose it.
"As a white person, I assume that white person names are the default and 'normal' and any non white names are weird and not normal"

Thanks for playing moron.
She is the textbook definition of a psychopath (artificial charm, defensive to criticism, inability to admit guilt, lack of empathy, impulsive). To make matters worst alot of psychos also have either depression or anxiety so it makes it even harder to be around them

Than a doctor
She gave her Hawaiian kid a Hawaiian name. Oh no, the horror and shame. There's plenty of valid criticisms of Ronda to go around, there's no need to go reaching for silly shit like this.
Imagine going through life having to spell that name over the phone or to people, put it on any applications again and again. It’s hell. This is coming from me who’s been spelling my name to people my whole life. And mine is only 4 letters. Imagine what this kid will go through. And It doesn’t matter what ethic name it is. If it’s that long, you just making it hard for the child. But you can’t think beyond that because you’re too busy getting offended.
Blame it on CTE from sparring heavy weights.

I can see it now, Ronda waving her finger in PVZ face bitching at her while having that ugly scowl on her face.

I’m pretty sure Cyborg also congratulated HH as well. I wonder why she didn’t pull that shit with her.
She didn’t want that Cyborg smoke, in a way I feel sorry for her. I think her mom is a nutbag and it’s obvious her dad suffered from some sort of mental illness enough to where he committed suicide. That’s going to have an affect on a kid growing up.
I'd see her at pretty much every Judo tournament.

My instructor knows her well (his dad was a big name in Judo for a long time)

She was nice, funny, making jokes a lot.
I guess the best way to describe her "intensity" is like a grumpy grandpa, in a way anyway.

I mean I saw her get pissed off when the refs made bad calls. Judo refs are notoriously bad so it wasn't uncalled for, that's for sure.

But yeah, she was always cool from what I saw. Taught me a couple cool little tricks for Judo
I've only heard her once, on a podcast after Holm but before Amanda. She was cool as could be, very funny and made no bones about the fact that her daughter was a crazy asshole.
That is how you raise champions. People these days, geez.
It begs the question if she was big in women's judo simply because there was a shallow pool of competitors. She was only champ in UFC because she got there first. As soon as real talent showed up, she was done forever.
She didn’t want that Cyborg smoke, in a way I feel sorry for her. I think her mom is a nutbag and it’s obvious her dad suffered from some sort of mental illness enough to where he committed suicide. That’s going to have an affect on a kid growing up.
You are more than likely correct. It’s definitely a horrible thing to go through. Our past is like our genetics though. It doesn’t tell us who we will be, just what we could be.

Man, could you imagine her ruling as a queen in medieval times,

"Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power." -Abraham Lincoln​

You are more than likely correct. It’s definitely a horrible thing to go through. Our past is like our genetics though. It doesn’t tell us who we will be, just what we could be.

Man, could you imagine her ruling as a queen in medieval times,

"Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power." -Abraham Lincoln​


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