The Official S+P Big 4 Competition - Rules + Discussion (UPDATED fka Roll Call)


Platinum Member
Mar 7, 2006
Reaction score
Instead of making a new thread, I figured I'd edit the roll call thread. The roll call is below. A lot of discussion has gone in this thread, but this first post will take precedent over that. The purpose of this thread is to outline the rules, however, many exceptions and "what if's" have come up. I want this contest to be ran like a democracy where everyone has a say. If something is controversial, it will come down to a vote among the 5 captains. 3-2 wins.

General Outline
-This competition is improvement only. Video evidence must be provided for every lift.

-The contest "officially" begins on Monday, April 19th and ends December 31, 2010. Any improvement made before Monday will not count and will become your starting total.

-If a member is banned or becomes MIA, a captain should bring it up in here. We already have 2 "alternates". I feel their "starting #" should be when they actually join the team, but I'll leave this open for discussion.

-Teams can be found here on the first post:

The Lifts
Many extenuating circumstances have come up, but here are the general rules for each lift. This can be added to.

-Squat: Must be parallel or below, high bar or low bar. Sleeves are allowed and don't need to be noted. If you are using wraps or a suit, it needs to be noted in your first post. If you don't have it noted and you are using it in your final video, it won't count!

-Deadlift: No hitching or ramping. If you are using straps at the beginning, it must be noted. If it's not noted and you use them in your final video, it won't count!

-Bench: No bouncing. Feet must be on the floor, but heels do not have to touch. Spotter cannot touch bar after lift off. If you are using a suit, please note it with your starting #. If you are in a suit or any gear at the end and it's not noted in the starting #, it won't count! Also, PLEASE NOTE IN YOUR STARTING TOTAL IF YOU ARE DOING PAUSED. We do not want people switching from paused to TnG mid-competition to inflate gains.

-Overhead: As stated, any overhead lift is allowed. Please note which overhead lift you are doing as your starting #. Weight must be locked out and head through. Weight must be under control at the top. If you are doing SOHP, make sure you don't use leg drive. If you are doing a sloppy Push Press with elements of a jerk, just note it as "Overhead" to avoid confusion.

*Wrist wraps are allowed on everything. Sleeves are allowed on everything. You just have to note gear, wraps, etc.

Starting #'s
We have already beat this to death, but this is more for the captains. It's hard to police 55 people, so I'm relying on you guys as well. Every captain needs to have each member's starting total in the first post of their log. Along with that, please have each lift listed. If you are curious, this is the format that I'm using:

Team Member
Starting Squat: xxx
Current Squat: xxx (+xx improvement)

Starting Deadlift: xxx
Current Deadlift: xxx (+xx improvement)

Starting Bench: xxx
Current Bench: xxx (+xx improvement)

Starting (insert overhead lift here): xxx
Current (insert overhead lift here): xxx (+xx improvement)

Starting Total: xxx
Current Total: xxx (+xx improvement)

This may have to take up the first two posts of your log, so save posts for this. I normally save the first 3-4 posts for videos as well.

*That's it for now. I'm sure other things need addressed, but I can always add it later. Like I said, this will be ran like a democracy with things addressed as we go. If you have suggestions, questions, or comment, please put them in this thread.

Team Logs
Oblivian's Team:
Big John's Team:
Endoglo's Team:
Gold182's Team:
DrBdan's Team:
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Before I get into the format for the roll call, make sure you read the 3rd post. Also, if you have more questions, please read this thread - If you still have more questions, address them in that thread. I want to keep this thread to strictly roll call and keep the chatter to a minimum. This first post will keep an updated list of who's entered.

Location (West/Mid/East U.S., Canada, Australia, etc.):
Overhead (specify which lift):
Log (link it):
Youtube channel (link it):
# of past team comps entered:
# of videos submitted for past comps:

Roll Call List
1. Oblivian - 1337.5 lbs - Midwest US - CAPTAIN VOLUNTEER
2. ThePitbull32 - 1205 lbs - Midwest US
3. DrBdan - 950 lbs - Canada - CAPTAIN VOLUNTEER
4. Gierrod - 1031 lbs - England
5. Jay - 870 lbs - Germany
6. brick_hat - 1282 lbs - Canada
7. scoopj - 970 lbs - East US - CAPTAIN VOLUNTEER (IF NEEDED)
8. Carongt - 1080 lbs - East US
9. rckvl - 1195 lbs - East US
10. WitchCraft - 485 lbs - East US
11. ronin0352 - 1776 lbs - West US
12. ShadowNINku - 1163 lbs - East US
13. Steak - 1005 lbs - Midwest US
15. Tosa - 1068.5 lbs - Canada
16. EndoGlo - 984 lbs - East US - CAPTAIN VOLUNTEER
17. JackedDaniels - 1370 lbs - West US
18. dexbot - 970 lbs - Germany
19. Gold182 - 1067 lbs - England - CAPTAIN VOLUNTEER
20. ASUThermo - 1510 lbs - East US
21. Flow'n - 1420 lbs - Canada
22. ljcsov - 1315 lbs - East US
23. joshetc - 1470 lbs - East US
24. Dafreeclinic - 698 lbs - West US
25. elevate - 1155 lbs - West US
26. hatchoo - 1090 lbs - West US
27. Corrosion - 1285 lbs - East US
28. likkuid - 1410 lbs - Canada
29. MMAPARADOX - 870 lbs - Midwest
30. Indivdude - 977 lbs - West US
31. freeski - 1165 lbs - East US
32. Kernel - 1025 lbs - Midwest
33. eastNYgoon138 - 1170 lbs - East US
34. Silent P - 1005 lbs - East US
35. modena1983 - 995 lbs - Midwest
36. RedNeckJiuJitsu - 1430 lbs - Midwest
37. Lee-Lee - 1631.3 lbs - South Korea
38. HuskerFan2418 - ? - Midwest
39. big_john1557 - 1557 lbs - West US - CAPTAIN VOLUNTEER
40. Justin_Time - 1125 lbs - Canada
41. Roy - 650 lbs - West US
42. jmtaylo7 - 1220 lbs - Midwest
43. PWR1982 - 1090 lbs - Europe
44. miaou - 940 lbs - Europe
45. Beable - 780 lbs - East US
46. Deltron 3030 - 1205 lbs - East US
47. DannyGi - 1055 lbs - Canada
48. spiderguardman - 1076 lbs - Europe
49. SDMF - 1450 lbs - Midwest
50. turbozed - 1043 lbs - West US
51. luckyshot - 1179 lbs - East US
52. FiveFeezy - 980 lbs - West US
53. Radon - 930 lbs - West US
54. OPB - 940 lbs - Midwest
55. Lug's Spear - 855 lbs - East US
56. disco - ? - Australia
57. Oak - 800 lbs - East US
58. Merrill - 1350 lbs - Midwest
59. Sconse - 1119 lbs - Australia
60. Fozzy - 1243 lbs - Australia

NinjaBlack - 870 lbs
10thpjj - 850 lbs
MIAB - ?
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Picking your starting #
Move down the following checklist - READ ALL OF IT:
1. Submit your best 1RM in the past 6 months. If your best 1RM is older than 6 months, use your best 1RM in the last 6 months. It's ok to use a 3RM or 5RM, but specify it. Again, use the best within the last 6 months.
2. If you don't have a 1RM, use the following (weight x reps x .03333 + weight) to calculate your 1RM. Again, you must use your best set in the last 6 months.
3. If your 1RM is higher than your current capabilities, tough shit. If your 1RM is less than your current capabilities, either retest it or submit a # equal to or above your current capabilities. No sandbagging.

Rules on Lifts
Same as Sherdog's Strongest. I will not differentiate between high bar and low bar squats. Use whichever is higher for you. DO NOT submit a # lower than your best 1RM in the last 6 months and say, "But that was low bar, this is high bar." Same goes with bench. Submit your highest bench. I can't police if you started with paused and ended with TnG. YOU HAVE TO BE HONEST. Do not submit a paused starting # and end with TnG. Also, on Overhead, just list "Overhead" if you have questionable form. Do not say "Push Press" and submit a final video that has elements of a jerk. All of this was addressed in - so read it. It is ok to submit an SOHP starting # if you end with SOHP.

Squat - Parallel or below. Belt, knee sleeves/wraps permitted. No suits/briefs.

Bench - Ass on the bench. Paused or touch & go. No bouncing the bar off your chest or soft handoffs. Spotters cannot touch the bar after handoff until the bar is ready to be racked. Wrist wraps and belt permitted. No shirts.

Deadlift - No hitching, ramping, etc. No suits/briefs or straps. Belt, knee sleeves/wraps permitted.

Overhead - Bar can start from the floor, or the rack, and must end locked out over your head. How it gets there is up to you. Obviously the bar cannot make contact with anything other than yourself. No suits/briefs, straps, etc. Wraps, belt, and sleeves are permitted.

I don't think anything else needs addressed right now. Anyone can enter, but you must answer the roll call in the same format. You may want to say, "I'm new, but I promise to submit videos" or something of that nature. This contest should go until 12/31/2010. After the draft is done or teams are formed, I will create a more "official" thread that addresses all rules. The purpose of this thread is for roll call only. Please ask questions here:
Name: Oblivian
Location (Midwest, Canada, Australia, etc.): Midwest
Total: 1337.5 lbs
Squat: 365 lbs
Deadlift: 475 lbs
Bench: 255 lbs
Overhead (specify which lift): 242.5 lbs (Overhead)
Log (link it):
Youtube channel (link it): YouTube - suttoncd's Channel
# of past team comps entered: 3
# of videos submitted for past comps: 3

People that are thinking about being captains - I will only have username and total in the roll call. If you are wanting to examine other factors such as totals for each lift, if they've submitted past videos, etc., I'd create some sort of spreadsheet or something of that nature.
Name: DrBdan
Location (West/Mid/East U.S., Canada, Australia, etc.): Canada
Total: 980 (to be updated)
Squat: 275
Deadlift: 365
Bench: 185
Overhead (specify which lift): 155 (push press)
Log (link it):
Youtube channel (link it): YouTube - DrBdan8's Channel
# of past team comps entered: 3
# of videos submitted for past comps: 3

UPDATE: I tested my push press and it hasn't gone up at all. Since the draft is tomorrow I won't be able to test my deadlift so bumping it from 335 to 365 based on recent lifting.

In the interest of full disclosure I am getting married and going on my honeymoon in September so I won't be lifting for at least 3 weeks. Since this comp is so long it probably won't be a big deal.
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Name: Gierrod
Location (Midwest, Canada, Australia, etc.): England
Total: 1031 lbs
Squat: 331 lbs
Deadlift: 342 lbs
Bench: 215 lbs
Overhead (specify which lift): 143 lbs (Sohp)
Log (link it): Will have one soon
Youtube channel (link it): YouTube - YouTube - gaz1822's Channel
# of past team comps entered: 0
# of videos submitted for past comps: 0

Ive never competed in a SnP comp before but i will not flake also my brother is Gold182 i will be useing his youtube account he can upload some of my videos if is needed to prove that i will post videos, also i can be seen in afew of his form checks.

Edit: I think my lbs conversions are right.
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I hate to be an American douche, but can we have everyone list their totals in lbs? Gierrod - would you mind converting?
Name: Jay
Location : Germany
Total: 870 lbs
Squat: 242 lbs
Deadlift: 308 lbs
Bench: 190 lbs
Overhead (specify which lift): 130 lbs Strict
Log (link it):
Youtube channel (link it): YouTube - 0hn0ez's Channel
# of past team comps entered: 1
# of videos submitted for past comps: 2

( Note that the above numbers are all calculated with Wendler's theorem as I have not done a 1RM in the past 6 months. I think they are a bit high, but that's better than sandbagging I guess.)
Name: brick_hat
Location: Canada
Total: 1282
Squat: 330
Deadlift: 461
Bench: 293
Seated Overhead Press: 198
Log: log
Youtube channel: Youtube channel
# of past team comps entered: 1
# of videos submitted for past comps: 1
Name: scoopj
Location: U.S. - East Coast
Total: 975
Squat: 280
Deadlift: 345
Bench: 220
Push Press: 130
Log: Objective: Increase Proficiency in the Lifting of Heavy Objects
Youtube channel: Youtube Link
# of past team comps entered: 0 but competed in an individual squat competition.
# of videos submitted for past comps: 0

I'll be buying a USB cable for my video camera this week so that I can upload videos. I set up a Youtube page this past weekend. I'll get a video up in the next week or two.
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have a bench vid posted in sherdogs strongest and will submit videos for this comp. A quick question though. All my maxes are 5 reps for the 5x5. You said it was ok to use these but by the end of the year I would like to know what my 1rm's are so would it be better for me to use the calculator for the start of the comp.?

Use the calculator with your best sets in the past 6 months to calculate your 1RM.
Name: rckvl
Location (West/Mid/East U.S., Canada, Australia, etc.): East coast, U.S.
Total: 1195 lbs
Squat: 330 lbs
Deadlift: 475 lbs
Bench: 230 lbs
Overhead (specify which lift): 160 lbs (SOHP)
Log (link it): none
Youtube channel (link it): youtube channel
# of past team comps entered: none
# of videos submitted for past comps: none

Haven't been around for any of the contests except bench, and somehow missed that one. As you can see I have put up form check videos in the past, so videos are not a problem. I will be going to a real gym and having someone video the final lifts.
Name: WitchCraft
Location: Eastern US
Total: 485 lbs
Squat: 120 lbs
Deadlift: 205 lbs
Bench: 85 lbs
OHP: 75 lbs (push press)
Log: Nothing can stop me now (BJJ/Strength/Endurance
Youtube: DanitheWildChild
# of past team comps entered = 0
# of videos submitted for past comps = 0

I'm new but I have several videos in my log. I haven't actually tested all my maxes besides the deadlift, so the rest were all done with the formula. Might have to edit these if I can do more weight.

lol...guy above me almost deadlifts my total.
Location (West/Mid/East U.S., Canada, Australia, etc.): East U.S.
Overhead (specify which lift):Strict Standing 163 est. (5x145)
Log (link it):
Youtube channel (link it):YouTube - ShadowNINku's Channel
# of past team comps entered:1 (and won)
# of videos submitted for past comps:1

I post lots of form checks and progress videos, I'm on a higher rep program right now but slowly progressing to a heavy program as we speak because of my back tweak a couple weeks back. Notable:1 of team graedys overhead CHAMPS

I did get 170x10 or 175x9 on the overhead competition which correlates to 225 overhead but I think that this number is way high because I can only do strict with 145 5times and I did 10 reps but with lots of rest between each rep so I'm using my sohp # which I think is more accurate

My log isn't there much but I sure am lifting, My real log's in my paper notebook at home
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Name: Steak
Location: United States MidWest
Bench:270(If my last video will need good form this is a legit number. I know I can't do more than 270 with good form, and I'm pretty certain I can't even do 270 with perfect form.)
Overhead (specify which lift):135 Over Head Press(A little back but no knee bend.)
Log (link it):
Youtube channel (link it): N/A I'll get a video up as soon as I can. I don't own a camera, so I need to borrow one, and I need to figure it all out. I'll try getting it before the end of the week.
# of past team comps entered: 0
# of videos submitted for past comps: 0