The real fight we're robbed of is Ngannou vs Aspinall


Red Belt
May 13, 2018
Reaction score
Jones made it clear he's only interested in semi-retired Stipe. IDGAF what he said about the whole Ngannou thing, people have way too short of memories.

If the HW division shook out on pure merit - the HW fight we'd be seeing next would be Aspinall vs Ngannou. The TRUE generational fight of JDS vs Cain. Possibly even better.
I can agree with this.
This hurts my head ...

Francis left the promotion under his own free will..

Ngannou ducked all of the UFC HW division by doing so ..

Interims mean jack shit they only exist because the real champion allows it ...

Jones is champion untill beaten .. or stripped for long periods of inactivity probably 2 years..

Till then Tom can hold his foil belt...

Lets be clear about this Jones is the champion... like many injured champions before him ...