The Rock - Pro Wrestler vs Movie Star

The Rock - Wrestler vs Movie Star

  • Wrestler

  • Movie Star

  • Both you jabroni

  • Neither you jabroni

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Overrated actor. Best movie imo was walking tall.

Great wrestler.
Would've liked to see him as Daniel Plainview in There Will Be Blood.
I loved The Rock as a pro wrestler but I honestly don't like him as a movie star. He was great in The Rundown but has been terrible ever since.

He is also doing a sequel version of Big Trouble in Little China which I am not comfortable with.

What about you? Fan of him in the ring or on the big screen?

He has probably made more $ in each of his last 15 movies than Vince McMahon paid him in his entire life. He's an actor.
Much more entertaining as a wrassler but I for the most part enjoy his movies. Plan on catching Jungle Cruise this week.

I took my niece and nephew to that today. Great having the cinema experience again after so long. Nothing beats it IMO though I was shocked to find out they don’t do kids prices anymore! Full price for a six year old
Wrestler. He's one of the all-time greats.

His career in Hollywood has been extremely disappointing. He's made a couple of good movies and A BUNCH of crap. I expected him to be the next Arnold/Sly but he's never come close to measuring up. Not by a long shot.
Dislike 90% of his movies, but the guy was literally perfect for prowrestling, like he was created out of a lab. He was so perfect he really only did it for 5 years and moved on to better opportunities. Too perfect
You know who is a better actor than he ever was a wrassler? Batista, who said he was broke after wrestling.
I think he goes down as a greater wrestler than movie star, but the pro wrestling world is nothing compared o the movie star universe. It’s interesting that he went from a fairly huge wrestler, but certainly not the #1 guy, to find the biggest crossover success in Hollywood. He’s a bonafide top action star in huge movies.
If The Rock's movie career wasn't already in a skid, this will surely put a huge dent into it.
The Rocks last run with Cody Rhodes was tremendous.

As a bad guy? He's always white hot.

As a good guy? He usually starts off hot, then starts to get stale.
The Rock plays the same goofy roided up good guy superhero character in every movie. It's stale and boring. I think he has the ability to diversify but chooses not to and chases these action blockbusters. Why can't he try playing a bad guy like he did in wrestling?

I don't also don't like the roided look. He looked a lot better when he first left wrestling for Hollywood and slimmed down a bit but then he went full gym bro he man.

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