The top 15 LHW of all time -- a comprehensive list

1: Jones
2: Shogun
3: Chuck
4: Wand
5: Rampage
6: DC
7: Machida
8: Tito
9: Randy
10: Rashad
11: Arona
12: Hendo
13: Lil Nog
14: Vitor
15: Forrest

Wand and Rampage over Chuck and I agree
Stopped reading at "1) Jones".


Well that's too bad because he's far and away the best fighter ever.
LOL at PED Jones and Anderson even being mentioned in the top 10.


Jones is the greatest fighter to ever live dumbass.

Same thing when CC gets mentioned in all time hw greats, he used peds.
What a shit list.

Rumble before Wand, Shogun, Liddell and Rampage???????


Why lol? He's 6-2 at LHW only ever losing to DC. He's KO'd Mauwa and completely obliterated Lil Nog, Gus, Bader, and Teixera. Also beat Phi Davis.

Is that really "LOL" worthy compared to those guys?
Rumble at #3 hahahahah. Get the fuck out of here with that list.
shut the fuck up bitch nobody asked you for your fucking opinion
Ahah Oh dear mr internet tough guy needs to calm down.
This is sherdog, aka a place where people voice their opinions. You voiced yours with no prompting so what’s the difference.
TS is dumb. The list practically writes itself...

1. CM Punk
2. Conor McGregor
3. Sage Northcutt
4. Tito
5. Frank Shamrock
6. BJ Penn
7. Ronda Rousey
8. Elvis Sinosic
9. Colby Covington
10. Mike Perry
11. Anderson Silva
12. Randy Couture
13. Bob Sapp
14. Forrest
15. Shogun
16. Rumble
Came in to LOL at Jones #1, thread did not disappoint.
Arona is a top 5, beats Gus and Rumble
Rumble buries any light heavyweight not named DC or Jones. People seriously underrate him because of the loss to DC who is his worst stylistic matchup.
Jones is the greatest fighter to ever live dumbass.

Same thing when CC gets mentioned in all time hw greats, he used peds.
Yeah ok. Keep dreaming. The whole world sees Jon PED Jones as a coward cheat that he is and forever will be in the eyes of true MMA fans.

He's disqualified from even the honourable mentions of any reputable LHW rankings in the eyes of the MMA world.

Once a cheater, forever a cheater.

Imagine being caught for cheating twice, lol.
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TS, I'd like an apology. My favorite threads are good, intelligent conversation about comparing fighters from all eras. Upon seeing your thread's title, I thought to myself "This is gonna be great! In depth analysis of the LHW division's history, I can't wait to see how my personal rankings will differ from those of TS, who must be an intelligent guy if he took the time to make a 'comprehensive' list of one of the greatest divisions in MMA history." At least give me a couple sentences that explain what made fighter X and why he is ranked where he is.

Oh, and I know that all-time rankings for weight classes are made for fun, and reflect TS' personal opinion, but.... your opinion is WRONG
Some weird things on that list but overall I think the top 10 is fine if you remove Silva and put Hendo lower on that list. Wand should probably be close to the bottom but maybe ahead of Forrest. I guess some people get butt hurt if you don’t rank Iceman/Randy/Wand high up but I think today’s top LHWs are better.
This is the top 15 of all time. It's not the top 15 greatest. It's the top 15 in fighting ability. Who would win on their best day? That's what this list is.

1) Jones
2) DC
3) Rumble
4) Gus
5) Anderson
6) Shogun
7) Rampage
8) Machida
9) Rashad
10) Hendo
11) Liddell
12) Forrest
13) Davis
14) Bader
15) Wand
16) Randy

I think the order is pretty good
Fucking LOL. Cormier had 7 or 8 fights. Chuck is number one by far cheater Jones isn't on the list. Shogun is 2. Tito is 5, behind Hendo and Wand.

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