The UFC's graphic designers at it again!


Graphic designers want the stale plain boring and traditional designs. It follows a template that we are all used to. Trends are welcome but veering into the more creative path is not typically looked upon with praise…
Haha clients aren’t typically as keen on these things as us I guess. Not sure why.

edit: with that said, I don’t mind it. It’s simple. It’s not “a e s t h e t i c “
But who cares haha
This is one of those AI art thingies that makes sense but isn't good, right?
Absolutely mogs any Baka gaijin american trash poster.

Why are japanese people so good at marketing things? even japanese video game covers are almost all cooler than the north american ones.
God bless Japan
Everybody posting Pride/Rizin/Dream posters but those don’t give you any information at all which is why the UFC will never do stuff like that. It will not help sell to an American audience, Americans want to be able to quickly discern what is being sold. UFC could do better than these “My first photoshop job” posters but they will never go down that route.
Graphic designers want the stale plain boring and traditional designs. It follows a template that we are all used to. Trends are welcome but veering into the more creative path is not typically looked upon with praise…
Haha clients aren’t typically as keen on these things as us I guess. Not sure why.

edit: with that said, I don’t mind it. It’s simple. It’s not “a e s t h e t i c “
But who cares haha
Graphic destiners don't want that. Companies want crappt designs since that equals equally recognizable.
Looks like my kids homework in middle school
I do have insight on how a poster gets made and approved.

Basically, the UFC has a small group of people employed by the UFC to come up with the fight poster designs. Each person works on their own. They have a deadline to submit the poster they came up with. Then a few of the brass looks them over and they decide on which one to go with. This process has been going on for years like this.
A few things to go over.

Graphic Designers aren't taking the photos or directing the photoshoots.
The colour that best represents Australian sports is yellow.
The general aesthetic is keeping in with what's hot in other sports, the UFC desperately wants to be at the big boys table with NFL and Fifa.
The designers will 100% have brand guidelines to follow for brand consistency.
These cheap ass poster designs have been an ongoing complaint since the dawn of time. But the UFC won't improve upon them because the UFC doctrine is to keep change to a minimal as long as the product is successful

It's like their graphic design team are still stuck in the 2000s underground MMA scene

I find it humorous having seen better poster design from amateurs on Sherdog with a handful of hours playing around

Honestly they are better off opening their poster design to the public and choosing the best one. There are plenty of graphic design artists who will work for next to nothing
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