The War Room Apology Thread

You're not that bad. Thurisaz is pretty high on my list, he just oozes disdain for people.
Man, I gotta change that.

We need a War Room Asshole elimination thread. Winner gets titled "Goatse" and wins the following prizes:
Goatse ring

Goatse cake

Goatse av

Goatse cereal

Goatse pastries

Goatse coffee mug

Goatse movie

Goatse pants

Goatse magic eyes
He's no longer a Muslim. The only reason he converted is because like many he sees Islam as the anti-white man religion. Once he realized it didn't jive with his Islander mentality he left the faith.
What? When did this happen?
Good point. Never really thought of that. The only time one needs sources though is when they're passing something off as fact and/or when they have an opinion that seems outlandish, IE, not the consensus.

There is a serious problem with the posting of "supporting articles".

First off, many of them are just plain wrong. They are an appeal to authority and even worse an appeal to authority that isn't even an authority. Sociological and to a lesser extent psychological papers and articles are rife with outright dishonest analysis. Take for example the recent discussion we had about the relationship between income and reproductive rates. You posted an article when you could have gone straight to the actual statistics. Why? The article was clearly wrong from even a 5 minute search through the statistics so why even bother with the article?

The second problem is the "information flood" style of posting. These posts come from two sources, biased organizations like JIDF and for the most part can't be trusted just for that reason. There is also the problem of paid propagandists that its now been confirmed have been used by both political parties in the US, and a slew of other organizations.

The third problem is the unwillingness of some to admit that the statistics themselves might be manipulated or outright falsified. Its odd that in the last 5 years, we have found out that the US government has acted to suppress NASA's release of important, relevant, and timely information concerning global warming, and have suppressed the release of their own research on the harmful impacts of fracking, along with the slew of revelations thanks to the Snowden releases but somehow they take as gospel and beyond questioning when the US government releases a far more easily manipulated and potentially far more damaging number like the unemployment rate.

I used to take these numbers myself as gospel, I think most intrinsically honest people are in a general sense also intrinsically gullible. We could all do with taking a healthy portion of salt with whatever information we come across in the misinformation age.
Man, I gotta change that.

We need a War Room Asshole elimination thread. Winner gets titled "Goatse" and wins the following prizes:
Goatse ring

Goatse cake

Goatse av

Goatse cereal

Goatse pastries

Goatse coffee mug

Goatse movie

Goatse pants

Goatse magic eyes
Ahahaha!. what the hell..
You should be. It's not a bad thing to be challenged.
I agree. Its one of the best things about this place, it makes me challenge my preconceived notions on many things. Its even made me far more skeptical of information I take in which I think has given me a much more accurate picture of the world (and an awareness of the limits of my ability to answer some questions to any real extent).
Apology accepted ;). Seriously though, I was specifically thinking of you when I made that post about internet arguments bringing out the asshole in people.
It has been occasionally implied in my life that I may be a little bit of a curmudgeon.
Lol But why? What do you ultimately get out of it? It cannot possibly make you feel good, can it?
Of course it can..if someone expresses an opinion that you personally find to be repulsive, and you are passionate in your opposition, it can give you great satisfaction to know that you let that person know that they are shitheads for holding whatever view it is that offended you. This is one of the first things i enjoyed about the internet since it first became popular
I think ZH is the primary source for the most outlandish shit. It's Outlandia for the Internet.

I link to everything so there it is obvious what I link to and it is obvious that you don't follow my links or you would know. You don't have to think shit, the proof is right in my posts.

How about you tell me what ZH is and I will see if I ever got anything from there. Usually I can tell the crazy websites and will insist on getting quotes from something more acceptable . . . unless it is a proven direct quote of course.

But yeah, go ahead with your bullshit
I'm old, and thus occasionally repetitive and belligerent. Doubly so when my absurd levels of ADHD kick in to high gear or my blood sugar gets low. I have also always been a very aggressive person by nature so sometimes ego and testosterone gets in the way of being civil. For those that I have offended I apologize.

Ha. You're legit one of my favorite posters here. True, the frustration and disdain practically oozes from your posts sometimes, but reading the content is worth it.
Lol But why? What do you ultimately get out of it? It cannot possibly make you feel good, can it?

Well, that depends. Sometimes there's humour to be found in pushing someone's buttons while refuting their points :)
It can backfire, but that's half the fun of the Internet. I always practice my my douchebaggery here before giving it a run in the real world.
There is a serious problem with the posting of "supporting articles".

First off, many of them are just plain wrong. They are an appeal to authority and even worse an appeal to authority that isn't even an authority. Sociological and to a lesser extent psychological papers and articles are rife with outright dishonest analysis. Take for example the recent discussion we had about the relationship between income and reproductive rates. You posted an article when you could have gone straight to the actual statistics. Why? The article was clearly wrong from even a 5 minute search through the statistics so why even bother with the article?

The second problem is the "information flood" style of posting. These posts come from two sources, biased organizations like JIDF and for the most part can't be trusted just for that reason. There is also the problem of paid propagandists that its now been confirmed have been used by both political parties in the US, and a slew of other organizations.

The third problem is the unwillingness of some to admit that the statistics themselves might be manipulated or outright falsified. Its odd that in the last 5 years, we have found out that the US government has acted to suppress NASA's release of important, relevant, and timely information concerning global warming, and have suppressed the release of their own research on the harmful impacts of fracking, along with the slew of revelations thanks to the Snowden releases but somehow they take as gospel and beyond questioning when the US government releases a far more easily manipulated and potentially far more damaging number like the unemployment rate.

I used to take these numbers myself as gospel, I think most intrinsically honest people are in a general sense also intrinsically gullible. We could all do with taking a healthy portion of salt with whatever information we come across in the misinformation age.

Don't really disagree with anything you said here. That being said I still thinking posting a source would be beneficial if for nothing else to at least let people know your thoughts aren't something you just pulled out of your ass after dropping some acid or some shit like that.

WRT our exchange. The reason I posted that article was because it not only explained the consensus view but it also brought up two contradicting views. In other words, I was trying to be as objective as possible and let the poster know that while there exists a consensus opinion, research has also shown the opposite.
Sure it is.

I've only lost control a few times, and it was always due to personal attacks, but I remember that most are playing a role.

Some enjoy playing a role and arguing with another role player, over shit they obviously do not believe. Can't see how, but I guess when your real life is boring, you gotta do something.
I think the biggest problems occur at the intersection of the debateists (those people arguing not to find a reasonable truth but out of the joy of debate itself), and the truth seekers who want everyone to argue honestly in an attempt to come to the most rational and reasonable conclusion.
Of course it can..if someone expresses an opinion that you personally find to be repulsive, and you are passionate in your opposition, it can give you great satisfaction to know that you let that person know that they are shitheads for holding whatever view it is that offended you. This is one of the first things i enjoyed about the internet since it first became popular
I guess I'm just weird. No satisfaction received from personal insults on my part. Feel more like I should apologize, like I would in person.
What? When did this happen?
He's posted it a few times here and in the berry. The Pacific Islander / devout Muslim thing never made sense to me, and I have a feeling he didn't know anything about Islam before he "converted".
I love the spirit of this thread. I'd like to build some bridges, i want to apologize to @Rex Kwon Do for never mentioning him in the "favourite poster" threads..i got to thinking about how he was under appreciated, but then i realised that he was already way beyond that and perhaps one of the finest posters in the history of the site.


Love your work, too. As well as @Atheist's and @Space's. All maligned posters who make the War Room a more enjoyable place.
Don't really disagree with anything you said here. That being said I still thinking posting a source would be beneficial if for nothing else to at least let people know your thoughts aren't something you just pulled out of your ass after dropping some acid or some shit like that.

WRT our exchange. The reason I posted that article was because it not only explained the consensus view but it also brought up two contradicting views. In other words, I was trying to be as objective as possible and let the poster know that while there exists a consensus opinion, research has also shown the opposite.

I never doubted your objectivity. I rarely do by nature. I'm a mathematician by training and nature, I love numbers, I love having a rock solid basis upon which to make decisions. I also don't disagree with you posting your article, although I read it in great haste and clearly missed your posts core message.

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