The War Room Lounge v.8: Conor was Framed by the Deep State Edition

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I really don't think anything quite catches all of those together as well as Aliens did but a classic sci-fi/horror from the same era is The Thing. Absolutely incredible film

Great comparison. If you asked me to pick one to watch right now I'd be torn. :(

One's a little more intense and the other is a bit more fun.
I liked it enough for its shock-value, although ultimately forgettable. Aliens to me set a bar for combining action, sci-fi, and horror. Not sure what's in its league, let alone surpasses it.
It's the top of all of sci-fi for me. And you're totally dead on about combining horror and action flawlessly. I have it comfortably above all movies in the sci-fi/action territory. Although, Predator is very very good as well. Just not at Aliens' level.

Sci-fi/action heavy movies-
1. Aliens
2. T-2
3. Predator
4. Robocop
I liked it enough for its shock-value, although ultimately forgettable. Aliens to me set a bar for combining action, sci-fi, and horror. Not sure what's in its league, let alone surpasses it.
Agreed. I really like the political satire as well, but it's definitely a second tier film.
Maybe it's a matter of laughing at vs. laughing with. Of the two, ST is laughable.

It's the sort of scifi and humour I enjoy. Not bad for a movie. Totally different thing to Alien or Aliens though, which were more horror scifi and action scifi.
It's the top of all of sci-fi for me. And you're totally dead on about combining horror and action flawlessly. I have it comfortably above all movies in the sci-fi/action territory. Although, Predator is very very good as well. Just not at Aliens' level.

Sci-fi/action heavy movies-
1. Aliens
2. T-2
3. Predator
4. Robocop

Remove the -2 on #2. Give me the original Terminator every time. Can we count They Live? As a Rowdy Roddy fan that film means a lot to me. :cool:
Has anybody here built a Wordpress theme? I nuked my site twice tonight because I'm a php noob. This shit had better start getting easier lol. Once you get all your functions in order, it's fairly straightforward to apply your css right?
Remove the -2 on #2. Give me the original Terminator every time. Can we count They Live? As a Rowdy Roddy fan that film means a lot to me. :cool:
Yes. I totally spaced that one. They Live is amazing, and has the political commentary like a Starship Troopers. Piper is so terrific in that film.
Has anybody here built a Wordpress theme? I nuked my site twice tonight because I'm a php noob. This shit had better start getting easier lol. Once you get all your functions in order, it's fairly straightforward to apply your css right?
Yes. I totally spaced that one. They Live is amazing, and has the political commentary like a Starship Troopers. Piper is so terrific in that film.

Right this moment it would beat the feet out The Thing and Aliens for a viewing. Fwiw.
Has anybody here built a Wordpress theme? I nuked my site twice tonight because I'm a php noob. This shit had better start getting easier lol. Once you get all your functions in order, it's fairly straightforward to apply your css right?

Oh, neat, are you making website for the community college class you're teaching in 2005?

Remove the -2 on #2. Give me the original Terminator every time. Can we count They Live? As a Rowdy Roddy fan that film means a lot to me. :cool:

Agreed. Other than the improved effects, I don't see how T-2 is at all better, other than the fact that you don't have to see Arnold's ass cheeks.
Off the top of my head...

The Hurt Locker
Black Hawk Down
Scott Pilgrim Vs The World
Straw Dogs
Dawn of the Dead(OG)
Every movie Wes Anderson has ever made
Mad Max: Fury Road
Army Of Darkness
The Departed
Get Out
Spider Man 2

Did you dislike Fury Road and Drive?

I thought they were incredibly entertaining and have great re-watch potential, but certainly agree they are not going to invite deep reflection or greater understanding of anything.

Also, Army of Darkness is kind of dumb fun as long as we do not compare it to the brilliance of Evil Dead 2. I consider them different genre pieces.
It's way overrated. Casino is better.

Yeah Goodfellas is a tad more entertaining, but Casino really lays out the early days of old Vegas in insightful ways.

Also, has the better dramatic arc and performances. We can understand and relate to the alien world of the criminals and thugs, and see their debased psychology.
I don't see how T-2 is at all better, other than the fact that you don't have to see Arnold's ass cheeks.

How could one not be curious?

*Fuck yo couch

Oh man.

Don't do this to my posts. I have a condition in the same general area of dyslexia and sometimes do not structure my human word components so goodly.

Being surrounded by native Chinese speakers tends to exacerbate the problems. I will start out cutting articles, use strange expressions instead of conjugating verbs, and sometimes even eliminate the subjects because the speaker and I have mind-melded in Chinese style.

It's hard to express, but if two speakers "understand" the subject, many terms and statements become irrelevant to the conversation. Kind of like when you're telling jokes with your good buddy, only, to an extreme level and in all subjects of thought.
I really don't think anything quite catches all of those together as well as Aliens did but a classic sci-fi/horror from the same era is The Thing. Absolutely incredible film

Has anyone seen or can remember a Scifi horror from that era (not sure exactly when, could have been '70s or early 80s) about a remote space station. It's a survival horror where the space station's inhabitants are being picked off one by one as they wait to be picked up. There's footage from the alien's perspective as it watches them. The alien leaves what appears to be rocks in the scooped out stomachs of it's victims.
At the end the surviving pair (man and woman) fly off, and then it shows a view of their hold where all the bodies were kept under tarpaulins. Then the tarpaulins start beating.
Never been able to figure out what the movie was. I crept into the living room and watched it from behind the couch when I was three or four and paid for it with nightmares for about a week.
I'd love to watch it again and see how soft I was.
Has anyone seen or can remember a Scifi horror from that era (not sure exactly when, could have been '70s or early 80s) about a remote space station. It's a survival horror where the space station's inhabitants are being picked off one by one as they wait to be picked up. There's footage from the alien's perspective as it watches them. The alien leaves what appears to be rocks in the scooped out stomachs of it's victims.
At the end the surviving pair (man and woman) fly off, and then it shows a view of their hold where all the bodies were kept under tarpaulins. Then the tarpaulins start beating.
Never been able to figure out what the movie was. I crept into the living room and watched it from behind the couch when I was three or four and paid for it with nightmares for about a week.
I'd love to watch it again and see how soft I was.

Seriously? I've always heard The Pacific is good but seems to lack something that BoB had.

Not for me, at least. I thought Band of Brothers was very good, but I though that The Pacific was incredible.

It's okay, but it's not even remotely close to as good as Band Of Brothers. @HomerThompson is insane.

I liked BoB more personally, but I always thought the European theater was the most interesting part of the war, so that kinda makes sense. I think it depends on your taste which you prefer. Both are incredibly well done tho
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