Thiago Silva: "Bigfoot used to get beat up like a b****." UPDATE: Bigfoot responds

Winston Wolf

Problem solver
Apr 11, 2012
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Don't know if this has been posted yet, I know there was a pretty big thread about Bigfoot calling T. Silva out, but damn, these are some hard words.

I'll translate what he's saying as best as I can:

"I'll fight him anytime. I trained with him for three years. You can go ask him about the day he's done something to me. He used to get beat up like a little bitch. Send me that big chin of his and he'll see. Fine by me. He talks too much. He's a sucker. I don't like him. Anytime he wants, dude. And for money? Hell yeah. Even for free. Let's do it."

EDIT: UPDATE - Bigfoot responds. Says he's gonna try to drop to 205. :eek:


"I rather not comment on what it [the motive of their beef] is. He knows what it is, he's aware of it. I used to consider him a big friend of mine, he was someone I cared about, I enjoyed training with him and had a lot of trust in him. Unfortunately he did what he did, but I rather not comment on it, because in his heart he knows what it is. If we have to fight, we'll fight and settle things in the octagon. He even texted me like an immature child, wanting to settle this outside the octagon. But I'm a professional, and the law in the US is really strong. I wouldn't put myself in a bad situation because of a guy like him. He said he knows where I live and that, if we wanted to settle it, he'd be waiting for me. The thing is, I would lose my job. I don't fight in the street, I am a professional, not a crazy person."

"I already wanted to do that [call him out] for a long time. A lot of people are thinking I did this because he beat Feij
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Eh when 2 fighters want to fight each other and it's not completely out of this world, who's Dana to stop it from happening?
After seeing how fat Thiago was in that fight...he can make Heavyweight ^^
Thiago Sonnen thinking payday!
Grudge matches always make for great viewing.
"I'll fight him anytime" would of sufficed. Drop a combo on Bigfoot like he did Calvacanta and no need for the verbal back and forth. Make it happen , Thiago/ Bigfooot HW 220 should be a good weight for thiago to be fast.
Come to think of it Thiago is a pretty huge LHW could possibly make HW easily. He was getting schooled and having his ass handed to him in the standup before Fejiao gassed by adrenaline dump. But still I would love to see that fight someone is going to get KTFO for sure.
Come to think of it Thiago is a pretty huge LHW could possibly make HW easily. He was getting schooled and having his ass handed to him in the standup before Fejiao gassed by adrenaline dump. But still I would love to see that fight someone is going to get KTFO for sure.

He was getting outstruck and losing the stand up but how can you say he was getting schooled and having his ass handed to him?

He was walking through everything with ease, it's not like he was getting dropped or rocked every 5 seconds
I could see this as a main event for a Fuel/FX card. UFC should hop on it.
I like thiago. However he does get dropped and while big foots chin isn't amazing, he still hits hard. I would favor the foot.
Come to think of it Thiago is a pretty huge LHW could possibly make HW easily. He was getting schooled and having his ass handed to him in the standup before Fejiao gassed by adrenaline dump. But still I would love to see that fight someone is going to get KTFO for sure.

he doesnt have to make hw he walks around as a heavyweight, and getting tooled is blocking ALL of your opponents punches except one spinning elbow which he walked through like it was nothing? please
Accepting a challenge, eh. I have to admit that I didn't like Thiago Silva at all but this turn in events has actually made me respect him a bit.

Good, I hope the UFC makes it happen.
He was getting outstruck and losing the stand up but how can you say he was getting schooled and having his ass handed to him?

He was walking through everything with ease, it's not like he was getting dropped or rocked every 5 seconds

Fejiao is a technical striker much better skilled in the stand up it goes to show how easily a brawler can be handled when faced against a superior striker. UFC jitters from his opponent is the only reason why he won that fight from the first two minutes Fejiao threw the kitchen sink at him. But Thiago's natural HW frame is the only reason why he was able to take in those shots.

Now if Thiago were to face a Shogun or a Mousasi or anyone with a half a decent cardio that has suburb striking he would lose to them as well too. I still say in a rematch he would lose to Fejiao and then some if better conditioned.
Damn I cant believe some of you guys believe Thiago will beat Silva. Thiago could easily fight Silva at HW why doesnt he?.. and I dont see why the UFC wouldnt be able to do this match if both fighters want it.