Times The Last Jedi Ruined Christmas

Oh man I remember my little brother had some beef with my dad. I was really pissed at him from a couple of days earlier and the buildup mixed with hours of slamming booze caused me to snap. I called him a shitty son and cheap shotted him right in the nose while he was driving, but stopped at a stop sign. My other brother in the back seat put me in a full Nelson and my brother with his nose gushing blood cheap shotted me right in the eye. Almost lost my eye and it is a little bispingesque to this day his after the hit. Knuckle impacted right on the eyeball. I get loose and we are having a Chinese fire drill around the car at the stop sign. I eventually stop chasing him get into the car as does he and proceeds to buy weed from his dealer covered in blood. We get back to my mom's house and head straight into round 2 in a bathroom. It was supertight quarters so mostly grappling but he kept eye gouging. Mom wakes up breaks up the fight. All she cares about is we don't wake up her bf(total whore). I go outside bash in two of his car windows and drive super drunk back to my place(40 miles away). It was a drunken Irish Catholic chistmas classic. I called him a day or two later and he said "hey fights happen.." I laughed, met him at a pub and bought him a beer like a brother should.
lol @ buying someone a DVD for Xmas.

@Clippy leave that family and join mine and you’ll never get a cheap DVD for a gift again

An entire TV series set, granted was on sale, is still a pricey expensive from a sister in law

My wife bought me the complete Monty Python collection one year and I loved it.
Back in the 90’s my youngest aunt worked as a receptionist for one of my uncles(her older brother).

It was Xmas 1993 my grandpa got hammered and told a bunch of people at Xmas dinner that my aunt had skimmed about 30k from my uncles business. My aunt found out he blabbed and hilarity ensued.
Oh man I remember my little brother had some beef with my dad. I was really pissed at him from a couple of days earlier and the buildup mixed with hours of slamming booze caused me to snap. I called him a shitty son and cheap shotted him right in the nose while he was driving, but stopped at a stop sign. My other brother in the back seat put me in a full Nelson and my brother with his nose gushing blood cheap shotted me right in the eye. Almost lost my eye and it is a little bispingesque to this day his after the hit. Knuckle impacted right on the eyeball. I get loose and we are having a Chinese fire drill around the car at the stop sign. I eventually stop chasing him get into the car as does he and proceeds to buy weed from his dealer covered in blood. We get back to my mom's house and head straight into round 2 in a bathroom. It was supertight quarters so mostly grappling but he kept eye gouging. Mom wakes up breaks up the fight. All she cares about is we don't wake up her bf(total whore). I go outside bash in two of his car windows and drive super drunk back to my place(40 miles away). It was a drunken Irish Catholic chistmas classic. I called him a day or two later and he said "hey fights happen.." I laughed, met him at a pub and bought him a beer like a brother should.


Would read again.
An entire TV series set, granted was on sale, is still a pricey expensive from a sister in law

My wife bought me the complete Monty Python collection one year and I loved it.

There’s a bunch of Monty Python stuff just added to Netflix I think. Check it out
When I was 15 years old, I had a court date that was on Christmas Eve. My parents were very very upset. Thank God we had a republican judge, the previous judge wanted to send me to juvi.
When we were kids my sister got several pairs of slacks and that was about it. She cried.
Oh man did I ever tell you about the time my wife's brother's wife called me and was like

"Do you guys own the starsky and hutch dvd collection"

And I'm like "No we don't but I can download a copy online for you"

And she's like "no that's alright is your wife around?"

I'm like "Yeah she's in the room with me want to talk with her--"

Her (interruptedly) - "NO!! I was just asking about the DVDs thanks"

Me " I can get you a quality copy online trust me. In fact I'm not completely sure we don't have this on DVD afterall - HEY WIFE DO YOU OWN THE STARSKY AND HUTCH DVDS?!??"

Wife -- "No ... why ... what? who's on the phone?"

Me- "It's your sister in law she wants to watch Starsky and Hutch right bad but won't let me download it for her, it's your favourite show right?"


Yeah so it turns out the sis in law was fishing to see if my wife owned the thing she likes cause she was going to buy it for her. But how could I have known that shit right

Ive never ruined Xmas as far as I know. My scumbag brother in law sure has, though.

My brother in law is a multi-millionaire, and I was seriously struggling financially at christmas time a few years ago. This a**hole thought it would be hilarious to buy a fake scratch off lottery ticket that was a $100k winner for my christmas stocking, record me scratching it off and winning, then when I was like "holy s**t I won 100k", he pretended to be excited and asked to see it... then he tore it in half and laughed in my face. He's lucky I didnt choke his *ss out.

My dad had to convince me to stay as I was so pissed off I got my keys/coat and started to leave. This is a guy who basically threw away 10k to play in the WSOP with his business partner, despite having never played Texas Hold-em in his life, and despite knowing my situation finds humor in making me think I just won a sizable amount of money.

Is he still breathing?

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