Tips to beat after-work fatigue?

green juice in the morning works for me. gives me that vegetable high. kale,cucumber,lettuce,celery juice. mmmm..
Just get to the gym and do a warm-up. Even if you're not feeling it just getting in there and knocking out a warm-up so your heart rate is elevated then starting the planned workout.

If you're still sucking, do the main lifts for the day and maybe whatever accessory work you can handle then bouncing. So what if it was only 30min of a workout.

I think people get wrapped around having to do the entire planned thing. Better to get some work in then not go at all. Hopefully the next workout you can make up for it.

Essentially you just got to man up..
Going to piggy back here becuase it doesn't deserve it's own thread and is similar

What do you guys do on shitty days when everything feels weak and slow? Normally on bench I'll go to 275 for 3 to 5 to feel how I'm moving, then 300 for 3 and 315 for 3. If that all goes well I'll move up a little to 335-350 for 2-3, but today for instance 315 moved like shit. Reracked it and took it again a bit later, same thing. Dropped back to 275 and then 225 for 5. Went on to accessories. Reasonable?

Probably going to cut some fat and lean up for summer anyway but would like to have gotten to 365 for a double before I started cutting. Such is life I suppose. Still put on a bunch of good mass this year
Going to piggy back here becuase it doesn't deserve it's own thread and is similar

What do you guys do on shitty days when everything feels weak and slow? Normally on bench I'll go to 275 for 3 to 5 to feel how I'm moving, then 300 for 3 and 315 for 3. If that all goes well I'll move up a little to 335-350 for 2-3, but today for instance 315 moved like shit. Reracked it and took it again a bit later, same thing. Dropped back to 275 and then 225 for 5. Went on to accessories. Reasonable?

Probably going to cut some fat and lean up for summer anyway but would like to have gotten to 365 for a double before I started cutting. Such is life I suppose. Still put on a bunch of good mass this year

When I use to train seriously I always had a program/routine I followed (that usually have some type of progressive overload) and would usually just stick with it; if I have to I'll dial down a little, but usually not necessary unless I feel overtrainined/poorly recovered in general (e.g. especially when I was following a Sheiko routine). I have also cut down on assistance work/volume if I feel necessary as well.

Usually I can tell early on when weights feel heavier initially. Sometimes I take more warm-ups and intentionally get more tight, explosive with it. I also don't hype myself up in training unless it's a training PR so I will sometimes get a little crazy and change my mindset if I feels like a crappy day. I trained with some beastly guys so that always helped. We used calibrated plates too so it's never a weight error issue.
Going to piggy back here becuase it doesn't deserve it's own thread and is similar

What do you guys do on shitty days when everything feels weak and slow? Normally on bench I'll go to 275 for 3 to 5 to feel how I'm moving, then 300 for 3 and 315 for 3. If that all goes well I'll move up a little to 335-350 for 2-3, but today for instance 315 moved like shit. Reracked it and took it again a bit later, same thing. Dropped back to 275 and then 225 for 5. Went on to accessories. Reasonable?

Probably going to cut some fat and lean up for summer anyway but would like to have gotten to 365 for a double before I started cutting. Such is life I suppose. Still put on a bunch of good mass this year

From what you've posted here, and based on your past posts about your training, your programming sounds terrible.

Following a good, well established program would probably be the first step in the right direction.

If you program intelligently, "bad" day should be almost non-existent. Even when they do happen, you should still be able to hit your sets for the day.
From what you've posted here, and based on your past posts about your training, your programming sounds terrible.

Following a good, well established program would probably be the first step in the right direction.

If you program intelligently, "bad" day should be almost non-existent. Even when they do happen, you should still be able to hit your sets for the day.

300 is about 80% for me most powerlifting programs want me at or above that. 531, not the power one, is probably what I'm going to pick for my main exercise for summer and do a lot more accessories. Ever looked at Mike ohearns power bodybuilding? I'd like to balance the strength I've gained with some bodybuilding. I know how to bodybuild. I just don't quite grasp the two together, nor really powerlifting (I just do what I'm told). The gym I use follows west side
From what you've posted here, and based on your past posts about your training, your programming sounds terrible.

Following a good, well established program would probably be the first step in the right direction.

If you program intelligently, "bad" day should be almost non-existent. Even when they do happen, you should still be able to hit your sets for the day.

Yeah I have started to find that with my programming. I will always hit my required exercises and then if I have energy I include some conditioning or core work following that. In the past I would train hard for maybe 6 weeks and then have to take time off. Now I can get a solid 12 + weeks before I consider resting for an extended time. I no longer push that close to my maxes and I usually only have one heavy lift in the exercises I do.

Currently it's bodyweight pistol, 20 kg weightvest pullups and benchpress. The bench press is the only really heavy movement.
The pistols are strength/skill work and the weighted pullups allow me to increase the reps occasionally.
I have done this for nearly 12 weeks now and got excellent results.

I think I will next do barbell squats or deadlifts, weighted ring dips or pushups and bodyweight pullups as my 3 exercises.
I am finding this sort of thing works really well for me. This has allowed me to do quite a bit of long distance running with no negative results.
I have a pretty heavy schedule and have had some issues with recovery in the past.
I'm going to go back to competing in jiu jitsu so I'll have to balance that like you're doing. Have to lie about my age or they'll throw me in with the other 200+ pounds 30-40 year olds, which is a bunch of cans normally.
I'm going to go back to competing in jiu jitsu so I'll have to balance that like you're doing. Have to lie about my age or they'll throw me in with the other 200+ pounds 30-40 year olds, which is a bunch of cans normally.

I use tactical barbell and it works for me. I usually just do fighter with a couple runs or similar through the week. Just did an extra strength session because I was feeling so good and I have a long weekend off.

I would be what you consider a tactical athlete and I get to have all the great things that come with that such as poor sleep and diet. I currently don't do bjj but I will be going back once work allows. If I tried to do a typical high volume strength program I would break down within a week and that's without doing bjj. I find that the very slow long term progressions is working great for me and I am beginning to get some excellent results. I haven't beat all my old Pb's yet, but I reckon they will soon become the weights I can hit any day of the week.

I go to my work gym or garage and hit the numbers I need and approach it in a very workman like way. I throw in the occasional fast run or short hard conditioning session if I get that competitive urge. This works great for me and I have the recovery ability of an 80 year old man even though I am only about to turn 25. If I had trained like this years ago I would have probably been injured less often haha.
red bulls, 2 bananas and lift llike a machine
Get more sleep. After work and before lifting, I like to eat some dark chocolate and drink a few glasses of water. Seems to give me a good energy boost without over-caffeinating.
I use tactical barbell and it works for me. I usually just do fighter with a couple runs or similar through the week. Just did an extra strength session because I was feeling so good and I have a long weekend off.

I would be what you consider a tactical athlete and I get to have all the great things that come with that such as poor sleep and diet. I currently don't do bjj but I will be going back once work allows. If I tried to do a typical high volume strength program I would break down within a week and that's without doing bjj. I find that the very slow long term progressions is working great for me and I am beginning to get some excellent results. I haven't beat all my old Pb's yet, but I reckon they will soon become the weights I can hit any day of the week.

I go to my work gym or garage and hit the numbers I need and approach it in a very workman like way. I throw in the occasional fast run or short hard conditioning session if I get that competitive urge. This works great for me and I have the recovery ability of an 80 year old man even though I am only about to turn 25. If I had trained like this years ago I would have probably been injured less often haha.
Why is your recovery so bad? Are you sick?
Music for me.

I don't do all that pre workout supplement shit, that being said I've not been doing any exercise for the last 7 months and just started again.
My recover sucks due to being military since 17. I have quite a few miles on my body already and a few surgeries. I was fine when I was a digger, but as I moved up and got stuck behind a desk the issues got more serious. I am the fittest I have been in a while,but I just take an extra day or two to recover.

I didn't pay any attention to mobility or stretching until the start of this year. I can very rarely do things like touching my toes, however can do weighted pistols... My body is extremely tight and due to this brittle. I now do ROMWOD daily and short stretches in my rest periods and I am seeing good results in some areas. I hate crossfit, but if you ignore the dude speaking I rate their stretching to get you into the habit.