Total Recall...Was It A Dream? Was It Real?

A dream. At end he wakes up, goes home to Sharon Stone working out and this time he does tie her up!
I think it was a dream. It played out exactly how it was described to him.
I agree.

That brunette doesn't stack up to his wife. He must be dreaming if he preferred her over prime Sharon Stone
He has a history of this... He was banging his homely Hispanic maid vs banging his wife, Maria Skeletor.
A dream.

Also Michael Ironside is the voice of Sam Fisher in Splinter Cell.
Definitely a dream. Before he gets plugged in the tech says "blue skie on mars, thats a new one" or something like that. And then, the movie ends with blue skies on mars.

So kinda a downer ending considering hes probably lobotomized after its all said and done but it was one hell of a dream!
Been so long since I’ve seen it I can’t recall what happens
I really need to watch this movie again. It's been years. People always make fun of Schwarzenegger - his acting, his cheesy one liners, and even the movies he stars in themselves - but a lot of them hold up very well over the years and are actually great films. This movie was interesting in how it was simultaneously a goofy action movie and a brainy, intelligent sci-fi film. The movie is almost an oxymoron in a way.
I think it is like the Usual Suspects. Every thing is a lie.
Real, because the movie included a scene where Arnold is unconscious after first being placed in the chair and freaking out. While Arnold is still out we see the doctors debate that he's really been to Mars and that's why he's having an adverse reaction to the process/meds.

So unless we take it that 99% of the movie was us trying to piece together whether it was real from Arnold's perspective, but this one scene was some sort of fever dream, then the movie pretty much spells it out for you.

Although, it would be better if that scene wasn't included, and the audience could make up their mind for themselves.

That scene would have to be part of the program to explain everything that goes on from there.
Is that the go the theory for movies with ending that are slightly ambiguous - it was a dream - ?
That scene would have to be part of the program to explain everything that goes on from there.

But Arnold is unconscious. If that scene was part of the implant to make it only appear that Arnold had already been to Mars, then he wouldn't have been awake to experience it. That scene only works if those people are real.