Elections Trump Indicted On 91 Counts

what a whiney little bitch. its all the same bullshit every single time. a fucking broken record on loop. get some new material ya rapist goof.\

shut the fuck up citizen donny. go post the bond, make your appeal, and go losing some more, loser.
this post gives me hope that this gets overturned on appeal, but is this nonsense only happening because it's early on and partisan hackery by DAs and local judges (both sides) are not only expected but assumed? how confident are you that this case gets overturned?

we're probably still in the "beat the crap out of donny stage", but will he ever get a "fair hearing" (putting it in quotes as not to offend the leftist schuds here) or is it like this all the way to end? like what's going to happen at the end of this saga? he's left dirt poor and thrown in prison for 600 years? it can't be.

Donny Trump will be sent to cryogenic prison for a thousands years

You hate to see it folks
this post gives me hope that this gets overturned on appeal, but is this nonsense only happening because it's early on and partisan hackery by DAs and local judges (both sides) are not only expected but assumed? how confident are you that this case gets overturned?

we're probably still in the "beat the crap out of donny stage", but will he ever get a "fair hearing" (putting it in quotes as not to offend the leftist schuds here) or is it like this all the way to end? like what's going to happen at the end of this saga? he's left dirt poor and thrown in prison for 600 years? it can't be.
I used to be a huge Jon Jones fan. I was present in NJ when he beat Shogun for the LHW title.

Once I realized what a douchebag he was I stopped being a huge fan.
Jesus, this is getting pathetic, even for you.

put the insults down for a second and imagine some MAGA DAs and judges getting together and opening up the books on democrats like the obamas or the clintons over their businesses, foundations, other illegal wheelings and dealing like hillary's server shenanigans, and their connections to epstein island.

you'd be crying election interference yourself, but you're not cause it's your rival that's getting his teeth kicked in.
this post gives me hope that this gets overturned on appeal, but is this nonsense only happening because it's early on and partisan hackery by DAs and local judges (both sides) are not only expected but assumed? how confident are you that this case gets overturned?

we're probably still in the "beat the crap out of donny stage", but will he ever get a "fair hearing" (putting it in quotes as not to offend the leftist schuds here) or is it like this all the way to end? like what's going to happen at the end of this saga? he's left dirt poor and thrown in prison for 600 years? it can't be.
"like what's going to happen at the end of this saga?"

Trump dies and his cult of retards tortures us with conspiracy theories that the Deep State assassinated him. Some cultists will probably refuse to believe their Orange Groping Fuhrer is really dead, insisting he merely left his earthly body in order to drain the swamp on a higher plane.

Eventually MAGA will age like milk and people will be too ashamed to ever admit they were a part of it. Trump's business empire will be in shambles and the family name will forever be tarnished. Trump's progeny will often develop severe substance abuse problems.

The end.
this post gives me hope that this gets overturned on appeal, but is this nonsense only happening because it's early on and partisan hackery by DAs and local judges (both sides) are not only expected but assumed? how confident are you that this case gets overturned?

we're probably still in the "beat the crap out of donny stage", but will he ever get a "fair hearing" (putting it in quotes as not to offend the leftist schuds here) or is it like this all the way to end? like what's going to happen at the end of this saga? he's left dirt poor and thrown in prison for 600 years? it can't be.
Not sure if you've reached the bargaining or depression stage... <mma4>
Trump is banned from doing business in New York for 3yrs because of his fraudulent actions, yet he's running for President so he can run the country's business for 4yrs? Hey Lincoln Project I have a great idea for your next ad, call me.
"like what's going to happen at the end of this saga?"

Trump dies and his cult of retards tortures us with conspiracy theories that the Deep State assassinated him. Some cultists will probably refuse to believe their Orange Groping Fuhrer is really dead, insisting he merely left his earthly body in order to drain the swamp on a higher plane.

Eventually MAGA will age like milk and people will be too ashamed to ever admit they were a part of it. Trump's business empire will be in shambles and the family name will forever be tarnished. Trump's progeny will often develop severe substance abuse problems.

The end.

nice imagination. you should feel proud of yourself.
Precedents are being set by Democrats with abusive charges, judgements, and penalties never before seen. They are only making the Orange Ogre stronger.

Everyone except the Left Cult know this ridiculousness goes away in the appeals process. This case is so flawed and the results are so shocking that it has no chance. If precedents like this were allowed to stand the commercial real estate market in New York would collapse.

Trump has ripped off many people along the way, but this is not the case for that.
lmao, this is the problem with right wing dorks, they think because their team is so full of corrupt frauds, criminals and pedos that every groups is the same. Sorry buddy, that's your team. You guys attract that crowd because your tribe never has any consequences for being any of those deplorable things.
put the insults down for a second and imagine some MAGA DAs and judges getting together and opening up the books on democrats like the obamas or the clintons over their businesses, foundations, other illegal wheelings and dealing like hillary's server shenanigans, and their connections to epstein island.

you'd be crying election interference yourself, but you're not cause it's your rival that's getting his teeth kicked in.

So you're admitting you know he's guilty here, but your argument is "something something slippery slope".

Fuck off with your hand wringing and stop supporting a conman.
i cant believe that the enraged orange toddler didn't hold off on the whole "...to the likes of which we've never seen!" catchphrase until somewhere near the end of his cute little campaign speech...errr..i mean his public statement he put out after getting bitch slapped by the judge to the tune of $354.9 million

he rushed straight into that one. it's vanilla ice coming out and performing "ice ice baby" as the first track (and i've been to an i love the 90's concert where he did just that!) . you don't blow your whole load that early right out of the gates. it makes the rest of the show you are putting on for your audience all the weaker.

the whole chyyyynna and russia, political interference, weaponized witch hunt cry-cry just doesnt resonate as well afterwards. he's gotta throw all that shit in first before he drives it home with the "....to the likes of which we've never seen" nonsense of his, and then maybe start doing that dance where he jerks off two ghosts. you don't just have stone cold steve austin grab the mic and then say "now let me tell you something brother. and thats the bottom line because stone cold said so!"

he done fucked it up
Precedents are being set by Democrats with abusive charges, judgements, and penalties never before seen. They are only making the Orange Ogre stronger.

When you try to overthrow democracy the Feds will come after you from all sides.

How many people surrounding Trump need to be fined and go to jail before you accept the type of man Trump has always been?
put the insults down for a second and imagine some MAGA DAs and judges getting together and opening up the books on democrats like the obamas or the clintons over their businesses, foundations, other illegal wheelings and dealing like hillary's server shenanigans, and their connections to epstein island.

you'd be crying election interference yourself, but you're not cause it's your rival that's getting his teeth kicked in.
Been there done that

put the insults down for a second and imagine some MAGA DAs and judges getting together and opening up the books on democrats like the obamas or the clintons over their businesses, foundations, other illegal wheelings and dealing like hillary's server shenanigans, and their connections to epstein island.

you'd be crying election interference yourself, but you're not cause it's your rival that's getting his teeth kicked in.
They were all put under a microscope. Blow job impeachment ring a bell? How about the 8 or however many Benghazi hearings there were? Complaining about that though has no bearings on TR7MP being a life-long grifter with massive amounts of evidence against him. His own right hand man gave him up on these charges and the campaign finance trial coming up. He brought the receipts so don't act like this was some witch hunt.
Trump as a bear (a Trumpy bear)
Riding a bicycle
In a circus
Being pelted with vegetables

Very beautiful imagery right here

i keep trying, but craiyon absolutely sucks.




i give up. i have failed you.
I look forward to bumping this after its gets overturned on appeal. Gonna be epic.
Remind me the last time Trump won in court. He sucks so bad in court, he lost a rape case to a crazy lady.
It is not going to get overturned no matter how much you wish for it to happen.
All I know is lately if I see Trump in court, I know he is there to take the L, like he did in 2020.
Trump’s second term revenge tour is gonna be bananas. He may launch a retaliatory nuclear strike on the state of New York. Everyone who ever pissed him off is getting loaded onto a cattle car.

Sir if you’re reading this just know that I have tears in my eyes and I always said you were a very handsome and special boy.