International Trump/Kim Singapore Summit **UPDATE** Korean Denuclearization Agreement Signed

Bro, world peace and equality for all citizens not achieved in a 5 hour meeting.


It's embarrassing. This type of meeting is not a partisan thing. Some people are just bitter as fuck.
I saw CNN spouting this same absolute horseshit all fucking night.

Do you really expect Trump to go there and ask for Kim to give up all of his nuclear weapons in good faith and at the same time keep flexing right on Kim's border with nuclear armed ships, submarines, missiles, state of the art fighter jets, etc. Trump still has 30000 troops in Korea.

It's a small concession and gesture of good faith. Kim knows that the USA has big scary weapons. If Kim will go back on his word, he will do it with full knowledge of America's military capability, he doesn't need to keep being reminded anymore.

Regarding the "recognized as equal" comment. What is this nonsense? An equal to whom? Trump was the most powerful man to ever live yesterday and he will continue to be the most powerful man to ever live, today.

Not recognizing Kim sure did wonders for morons like Clinton, Bush and especially Obama who ignored him and gave him billions of dollars to build his nuclear weapons. And Trump still has done a good job so far in dismantling the absolute disaster they left in their wake.

Regarding "human rights record". They're literally working on modernizing Korea. That's part of it. It's also not something you spend 5 fucking hours talking about when you want someone to give up their WORLD ENDING WEAPONS. Sorry bud, that is the reality. Overall I think it is a good thing, we will see how it shakes out.

What i've seen today is the epitome of childish responses from people trying to find the lamest, most negative shit they can about this meeting.

Whether you hate him or not, this was an absolutely productive meeting. Many more to come hopefully.
I will give Donny credit for this one, getting NK to get rid of nukes is a good thing.
I do have a problem with legitimizing Kim, I mean he is a guy who has murdered thousands of people. He even executed people with anti aircraft guns.
Not sure I want that kind of ally.
Trump is giving off a Neville Chamberlain vibe on this one.
Yeah, I don't know how to reconcile this fact with the agreement they signed. He is still an insanely dangerous person, as his actions throughout his reign has showed us all.

The trump administration already signaled anything done is going through Congress.

Oh, really? Wake me up when 2/3 of the Senate approves a treaty between US and NK. Otherwise, you'll be dealing with the same type of executive directive Obama did with Iran.
None of what you are saying is true. You don't know shit about this subject and are desperately reducing it to incorrect talking points that you hope can defend Trump's actions thus far.

So I'm supposed to believe that you somehow know better than me, based on these replies that are devoid of any sort of substance whatsoever?

Please point out these "incorrect talking points", or do everybody a favour and shut the fuck up.
Oh, really? Wake me up when 2/3 of the Senate approves a treaty between US and NK. Otherwise, you'll be dealing with the same type of executive directive Obama did with Iran.
So you’re saying he Iran deal was bad
But you'd be okay legitimizing Obama who assassinated another head of state in Ghaddafi which allowed his country to turn into a literal modern slave state where sons are forced to rape their mothers, to this day.

Or when Obama started funding "freedom fighters" in Syria where those same men eat the hearts of their fallen enemies and the ensuing civil war that he half-funded is now the greatest humanitarian crisis in the history of planet.

All of these are irrefutable facts.
Ghaddafi and Syria are both fucked up situations and an example of terrible policy. We never seem to learn that once we get involved in countries that have a Muslim population once we get rid of the leader, a radical Muslim group takes over. I disagreed with our policy in Libya and in Syria.
Just like I like that North Korea giving up Nukes but have a problem with Trump looking like Neville Chamberlain.
Trump even promised Kim he could stay in power. I don't have enough time to list all the shitty terrible acts Kim has done.
Oh, really? Wake me up when 2/3 of the Senate approves a treaty between US and NK. Otherwise, you'll be dealing with the same type of executive directive Obama did with Iran.

Have you gone full potato?

Anyone who voted against denuclearization would be driven from Washington with pitchforks and torches.

Just stop.
Ghaddafi and Syria are both fucked up situations and an example of terrible policy. We never seem to learn that once we get involved in countries that have a Muslim population once we get rid of the leader, a radical Muslim group takes over. I disagreed with our policy in Libya and in Syria.
Just like I like that North Korea giving up Nukes but have a problem with Trump looking like Neville Chamberlain.
Trump even promised Kim he could stay in power. I don't have enough time to list all the shitty terrible acts Kim has done.

There is literally no combination of words that the president of the United States could formulate that would get Kim to step down from power. Saddam knew he didn't have nukes and he still didn't surrender, not even with the US military on the way to vaporize him.

So what's the point of pretending like anything else is reasonable?

Clinton, Bush and Obama legitimized these regimes when they gave them billions of dollars. Meeting with them is a much stronger gesture than allowing them to grow for 2 terms for each of those presidents I just mentioned.
A deal that gets North Korea to give up all of their nuclear weapons and any future nuclear and ICBM program for literally nothing in return?

Is that the same as Obama giving Iran $100,000,000,000 to promise to not make weapons?

Lol they aren't giving up their nukes.

They didn't even commit to anything specific.
Lol they aren't giving up their nukes.

They didn't even commit to anything specific.

They literally committed to giving up their nuclear weapons. Not sure how else to tell you. There was a written agreement and he signed it in good faith.

Whether he does it is one thing, but it's a gigantic step forward that Kim has agreed to do it.
Jim Acosta caught on a hot mic.

If you’re not familiar, he shouted quite inappropriately timed questions.


His butthurt is EPIC.
They literally committed to giving up their nuclear weapons. Not sure how else to tell you. There was a written agreement and he signed it in good faith.

Whether he does it is one thing, but it's a gigantic step forward that Kim has agreed to do it.

No bro, he didn't dismantle his entire nuclear armament in six hours. Meeting was a failure.
They literally committed to giving up their nuclear weapons. Not sure how else to tell you. There was a written agreement and he signed it in good faith.

Whether he does it is one thing, but it's a gigantic step forward that Kim has agreed to do it.

So you’re saying he Iran deal was bad

No, and so long as a similarly negotiated deal takes place here I'd also approve and give Trump credit. Just pointing out the rank hypocrisy. The chances a Senate approved treaty comes of these negotiations is small. The other poster who thinks Trump 100% gets a "legally binding treaty" is a troll or delusional.