International Trump/Kim Singapore Summit **UPDATE** Korean Denuclearization Agreement Signed

Im really not following on this thread, since i dont care about meetings until Kim actually drops their nukes.

But isnt it a little hypocritical after they tossed out the Iran deal that actually had a denuclearization work frame?

Not at all. Iran is a complete and total terrorist state, why remove sanctions and aid them financially?

North Korea is about to transform into a cooperative 1st word country. At least there is a clear possibility of that. This is not like before when Kim Jong Ill and his father could weather sanctions for decades to come. Kim Jong un is broke, the military is breaking down and the people are starving. When the military starts starving, well history has shown us what happens to kings then.

What is so hard to understand about this? It's as if you guys haven't studied this at all. I'll make it as short as possible.....

Kim's days are numbered domestically, the sanctions are taking their toll, their nuclear program has had major setbacks they can't afford to address and sooner or later there will be a Coup. Kim cant afford to keep this up, period. Not worry yourselves if denuclearization will occur, it will occur. The biggest obstacle will be what kind of measures Kim will take in order to stay in power because once the people figure out what he's done, they could come for his head.
Not at all. Iran is a complete and total terrorist state, why remove sanctions and aid them financially?

North Korea is about to transform into a cooperative 1st word country. At least there is a clear possibility of that. This is not like before when Kim Jong Ill and his father could weather sanctions for decades to come. Kim Jong un is broke, the military is breaking down and the people are starving. When the military starts starving, well history has shown us what happens to kings then.

What is so hard to understand about this? It's as if you guys haven't studied this at all. I'll make it as short as possible.....

Kim's days are numbered domestically, the sanctions are taking their toll, their nuclear program has had major setbacks they can't afford to address and sooner or later there will be a Coup. Kim cant afford to keep this up, period. Not worry yourselves if denuclearization will occur, it will occur. The biggest obstacle will be what kind of measures Kim will take in order to stay in power because once the people figure out what he's done, they could come for his head.

Iran is a terrorist state mmmkay and you have a crystal ball regarding Korea

its a good things when presidents meet, I wish Trump continues the Iran deal and develops a new one with Korea, maybe in the future Korea can be reunited.
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how can you be so certain that kim is sincere already? hes shaken hands, signed papers, and had pictures taken (which is an important change), but how can you be so certain of what tangible actions he will take next?

This really is a time where we have to "wait and see". North Korea has been isolated for a loooooooooong time. Change of this magnitude isn't happening I'm a single meeting. This is step one of a likely multi year process.
Well let´s see how long an eventual NK deal takes to get the same results the Iran deal has gotten in regards to the nuclear program. And let´s see what you think of the results then.
Well if we can’t inspect the military sites, we have to give them weeks of time to get ready for what we are allowed to look at, they attack our allies, and so on I will say the deal definitely sucked just as bad
Nearly destroyed?

I don't think so.

North Korea was far more industrialized than its southern counterpart after the armistice of the Korean War was established. It took decades of government corruption, a sloppy, but rapid Industrial Revolution, and civil unrest (aided and further perpetuated by the US, no less) in order to reach the level of economic development that South Korea has achieved to this point.

It's not going to be a seamless transition for North Korea to bring its economic and technological advancement up to speed, but with South Korea as its ally again, it can be done and could resemble the modern industrialization of East Germany after its reunification.

I'm just hoping that in this situation, the South Koreans won't shit on their neighbors for being backward and primitive like the West Germans did (and still do to this day). Fuck that sort of nonsense - Koreans are a fierce and proud lot. I'd be very embarrassed of them if they do so.

I, and many others within the U.S. government, wholeheartedly disagree with you about the devastation the Koreans endured (but I agree with your last two paragraphs):

“The U.S. Air Force estimated that North Korea’s destruction was proportionately greater than that of Japan in the Second World War, where the U.S. had turned 64 major cities to rubble and used the atomic bomb to destroy two others. American planes dropped 635,000 tons of bombs on Korea—that is, essentially on North Korea—including 32,557 tons of napalm, compared to 503,000 tons of bombs dropped in the entire Pacific theatre of World War II.”

“We burned down just about every city in North Korea and South Korea both,” recalled Gen. Curtis LeMay. “We killed off over a million civilian Koreans and drove several million more from their homes, with the inevitable additional tragedies bound to ensue.”

“I shrink—I shrink with a horror that I cannot express in words—at this continuous slaughter of men in Korea,” MacArthur lamented during the hearings.

“The war in Korea has already almost destroyed that nation of 20,000,000 people. I have never seen such devastation. I have seen, I guess, as much blood and disaster as any living man, and it just curdled my stomach the last time I was there. After I looked at the wreckage and those thousands of women and children and everything, I vomited … If you go on indefinitely, you are perpetuating a slaughter such as I have never heard of in the history of mankind.”
So I'm supposed to believe that you somehow know better than me, based on these replies that are devoid of any sort of substance whatsoever?

Please point out these "incorrect talking points", or do everybody a favour and shut the fuck up.

Maybe you could do some reading
Not at all. Iran is a complete and total terrorist state, why remove sanctions and aid them financially?

North Korea is about to transform into a cooperative 1st word country. At least there is a clear possibility of that. This is not like before when Kim Jong Ill and his father could weather sanctions for decades to come. Kim Jong un is broke, the military is breaking down and the people are starving. When the military starts starving, well history has shown us what happens to kings then.

What is so hard to understand about this? It's as if you guys haven't studied this at all. I'll make it as short as possible.....

Kim's days are numbered domestically, the sanctions are taking their toll, their nuclear program has had major setbacks they can't afford to address and sooner or later there will be a Coup. Kim cant afford to keep this up, period. Not worry yourselves if denuclearization will occur, it will occur. The biggest obstacle will be what kind of measures Kim will take in order to stay in power because once the people figure out what he's done, they could come for his head.

The thing that kills me about this is that back in 1994 while lying on his deathbed, Kim Jong Un's grandfather, Kim Il Sung (the first dictator of North Korea) was ready to call it quits and dismantle his nuclear program after talks with Jimmie Carter.

Then he fucking died and his son, Kim Jong Il, took over as his successor, and the cycle all over again with the blackmails and threats. Some speculate that he was deliberately assassinated.

Stupid goddamn midget with a bouffon hairdo. Rot in peace, you stupid fuck.
But to be fair this meeting was also aproved and in some ways endorssed by South Korean President Moon Jae Yin.

Mr.Moon met with Kim Jeong Un first.

An honest question do you think Mr.Moon should not have met with Mr.Kim? There are S.Korean citizens againts that meeting.

I'm talking about the approach American presidents have taken. I am most definitely not saying this meeting shouldn't have happened, I'm saying Trump gave Kim what he wanted in some very foolish ways.
May I make a suggestion?

If you can't stand the so-called "Trump supporters" (aka those who even say anything remotely complimentary about Trump), then why don't you just toss them all on your ignore list so you won't have to read the "yapping" of these people you mentioned? <seedat>

I'm not critical of then because they're complimentary to Trump. I'm critical of then because they're ignorant liars, educated in alt right chat rooms.
Iran is a terrorist state mmmkay and you have a crystal ball regarding Korea

Anyway you spin its a good things when presidents meet, I wish Trump continues the Iran deal and develops a new one with Korea, maybe in the future Korea can be reunited.

We are very far away from peace in the middle east. Either the Saudis or the Persians will rule in the end. This means we all have one big war to still get through.
I, and many others within the U.S. government, wholeheartedly disagree with you about the devastation the Koreans endured (but I agree with your last two paragraphs):

“The U.S. Air Force estimated that North Korea’s destruction was proportionately greater than that of Japan in the Second World War, where the U.S. had turned 64 major cities to rubble and used the atomic bomb to destroy two others. American planes dropped 635,000 tons of bombs on Korea—that is, essentially on North Korea—including 32,557 tons of napalm, compared to 503,000 tons of bombs dropped in the entire Pacific theatre of World War II.”

“We burned down just about every city in North Korea and South Korea both,” recalled Gen. Curtis LeMay. “We killed off over a million civilian Koreans and drove several million more from their homes, with the inevitable additional tragedies bound to ensue.”

“I shrink—I shrink with a horror that I cannot express in words—at this continuous slaughter of men in Korea,” MacArthur lamented during the hearings.

“The war in Korea has already almost destroyed that nation of 20,000,000 people. I have never seen such devastation. I have seen, I guess, as much blood and disaster as any living man, and it just curdled my stomach the last time I was there. After I looked at the wreckage and those thousands of women and children and everything, I vomited … If you go on indefinitely, you are perpetuating a slaughter such as I have never heard of in the history of mankind.”

Is this a real quote? Source is dubious.
Does that means 70,000 US soldiers will finally return home from Korean Peninsula?

Trump, China, North Korea and Japan are becoming closer more than ever so surely they don’t have any excuses to stay there anymore, right?
Does that means 70,000 US soldiers will finally return home from Korean Peninsula?

Trump, China, North Korea and Japan are becoming closer more than ever so surely they don’t have any excuses to stay there anymore, right?

That's going to be a tough one. I think the American foreign policy objective is to develop and grow Japanese, South Korean and Tawain militaries to pick up the defense responsibilities of the region, and reduce military presence in east Asia. It's an old model China has effectively adapted too anyway.

Containing China economically is the new modus operandi.
Does he not know this kind of statement will be used against the US in the future. Well no but what an idiot.
So it looks like the text of the agreement promises nothing new and doesn't even commit to denuclearization. Certainly it's not as strong as the agreement worked on 15 years ago.

Ben Shapiro was just on Fox, criticizing Trump for the way he honored Kim and expressing skepticism that this will be different than any other deal NK has broken.

I hope something good happens, but we're in for a lot of disinformation and bullshit in the meantime.
Does he not no this kind of statement will be used against the US in the future. Well no but what an idiot.

Re read your post. Then sit back and laugh at the fact you called anyone else an idiot
I'm not critical of then because they're complimentary to Trump. I'm critical of then because they're ignorant liars, educated in alt right chat rooms.

You keep calling other posters liars. But you never actually give examples. In fact, in another thread u were outed as the liar
Re read your post. Then sit back and laugh at the fact you called anyone else an idiot
Oh good I hope trump now giving language for china and russia to use against the US feels good cause trump just gave them one.