Trump Ukraine V 13 -Impeachment Hearing

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You guys are the one "REEEEEEEEEEEEing" like the gentleman in the gif.

And yet you brought the gif retards always use. Weird.
Yeah, threatening a dox is lowwwwww. And serious. Turds like that don't really get it. Or maybe he does, which makes him an even bigger turd lol. Either way, there's a floater in the forum bowl.

The worst part is the bitchy coyness he employs when pressed. That little Stormfronter playbook Savage linked, Russler follows it insanely close.
This just shows we have to many busy bodies all over the globe doing next to nothing and accomplishing little.

What a waste of resources these people are

Turns out that some are very sensitive snowflakes that get their feelings hurt quite easily. I hope they build rooms with play-doe and dolls for future appointies.
Turns out that some are very sensitive snowflakes that get their feelings hurt quite easily. I hope they build rooms with play-doe and dolls for future appointies.

What appointees? Trump can't find anyone to fill a massive host of key roles to begin with. That's the reason we have countless acting positions, filled with donors.
You guys are "tolerant" yet all you do is call anyone who disagrees with you politically a retard an other insults. Also

You don't ever bring anything but your shitty memes. If everyone you meet calls you an asshole, you might want to find a mirror to ask a question to.
Even if the tweets were considered intimidating, then it was Schiff who was intimidating/coercing her testimony live by reading them. President Trump did not know or suspect Schiff to read them live to her. Not that he’d care, but you asserted that he was intimidating her AS she was testifying.

The mental gymnastics here are just..astounding.
Whether this four year period is his last or he wins another four I will ultimately be happy to see and or hear less of him in the news.

I'm sure I'm not the only one increasingly burned out on all of this political theater. Between his own actions and the actions of our Republican and Democratic leadership I find I have an overall lower opinion of our government and its stewardship.
Even if the tweets were considered intimidating, then it was Schiff who was intimidating/coercing her testimony live by reading them. President Trump did not know or suspect Schiff to read them live to her. Not that he’d care, but you asserted that he was intimidating her AS she was testifying.

As the tweets happened as she was testifying. It really doesn't matter when though as she's a witness. As long as she's considered a witness in this ongoing process, the President intimidating her via tweet is witness intimidation.

You can add that to the pile of "She's going to go through some stuff!" line of thinking.
Yeah, threatening a dox is lowwwwww. And serious. Turds like that don't really get it. Or maybe he does, which makes him an even bigger turd lol. Either way, there's a floater in the forum bowl.

Nah. When Hilles posted pics of old shirtless men and said they were me I laughed. It was not an attempted Dox it was a silly attempt at humor

Do not give him a hard time over it
Nah. When Hilles posted pics of old shirtless men and said they were me I laughed. It was not an attempted Dox it was a silly attempt at humor

Do not give him a hard time over it
Whether this four year period is his last or he wins another four I will ultimately be happy to see and or hear less of him in the news.

Whatever happens, you don't think this is over right? We ain't going back to "normal", no matter what happens. This is the new normal. Politics are not ever going back into the shadows. Whether Trump wins a second term or not, the media/social media storm will continue.
If you take anything away from these hearings it’s that Jim Jordan is a complete disaster and has no place in government.

Just like he turned a blind eye from his students being molested he’s turning a blind eye to the testimony given in these hearings.

Not caring about the safety of his student athletes was good prep for him turning a blind eye here.

And the people of Ohio elected him to office!!! Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with people...
No, those of you that continue in his support haven't learned a thing. You're "good Germans"

Do you get it, guys? He's saying conservatives are Nazis. Very clever, this one.
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