TWIN PEAKS Revival Discussion

Just finished it tonight, finally.

He could start off the next season with a 9-episode dream about Mars, and Dale Cooper transitioning to Caitlyn Cooper. You kinda have to just roll with Lynch's work.

2-year old post, but I don't feel my prediction was entirely off
Another thing that has always bugged me about Lynch, and I still don't understand the purpose behind it, is the intentional bad acting he packs into a lot of his work. Whether it's stiff, terrible line reading, or laughable overacting, he seems to get a kick out of actors acting terribly, and I've never really understood the purpose of it. This series was no different, as it was jam packed with awful acting. Take the scene last night with Evil Cooper's chest bursting scene. This is the most insane thing someone could witness, and he has the actors reacting like they've never acted a day in their lives. Like they're all amateurs on the set of some B-movie. I guess Lynch just personally finds it amusing, but I don't see the point. All it does is make a mockery out of the scene.

Disagree on the acting. IMO it's this slight "off-character acting" (odd pauses, wording and gestures that are just a little bit off or normal reactions to super weird things someone says) that turns a scene from a regular dialogue to something that just makes you feel very uncomfortable because something just seems off.

Maybe it's just me but I once fell half asleep during the opening scene of Inland Empire, the dialogue b/w Laura Dern and the creepy Polish lady, and it was these subtleties in this totally incoherent story she told that made the whole scene feel surreal and that feeling somehow creeped into my subconscious and make me wake up in a fucking panic. Couldn't sleep all night afterwards and I dont have a problem falling asleep to horror movies.
Same with the rabbit scene. Just a bunch of trivial nonsense but the completely out of place canned laughter creates such a dark, bizarre atmosphere.

Hope this makes sense, I certainly love this kind of shit and I doubt any other director could achieve this, even if they tried, and Lynch must put a lot of thought into using the "right wrong words" to achieve this.
Disagree on the acting. IMO it's this slight "off-character acting" (odd pauses, wording and gestures that are just a little bit off or normal reactions to super weird things someone says) that turns a scene from a regular dialogue to something that just makes you feel very uncomfortable because something just seems off.

Maybe it's just me but I once fell half asleep during the opening scene of Inland Empire, the dialogue b/w Laura Dern and the creepy Polish lady, and it was these subtleties in this totally incoherent story she told that made the whole scene feel surreal and that feeling somehow creeped into my subconscious and make me wake up in a fucking panic. Couldn't sleep all night afterwards and I dont have a problem falling asleep to horror movies.
Same with the rabbit scene. Just a bunch of trivial nonsense but the completely out of place canned laughter creates such a dark, bizarre atmosphere.

Hope this makes sense, I certainly love this kind of shit and I doubt any other director could achieve this, even if they tried, and Lynch must put a lot of thought into using the "right wrong words" to achieve this.
Rumors everywhere online about a potential Season 4 being discussed.

I'm putting little faith into it becoming reality given Lynch's recent track record.... but maybe he realizes there is a short window if he ever wants to revisit Twin Peaks again given the fact he's an old fuck and several cast members have died since the last season. So if there was ever a time to get the TP ball rolling, it would have to be now.

If a new season ever does come to fruition, it's safe to say it will be unpredictably bonkers what direction they take the series. Wouldn't be surprised if the season premiere was just a naked midget starring at a cactus in the desert for 2 hours... with the camera never panning away ... and at the end of the episode it is revealed that....
agent Cooper was the cactus the entire time! He transformed into a fucking cactus
The pure unorthodox, unpredictable, non traditional pacing, wtf?! mysteriousness, and artistic bougieness of the past season is what makes it GOAT tier. This is truly the only mainstream show where you have no clue what is going to happen on a second-to-second basis. Hopefully these grabass rumors actually turn out true.