Opinion two AIs interacting with each other

king hippo

Double Yellow Card
Double Yellow Card
Apr 17, 2024
Reaction score

yeah, this is cool and all, but how is this not going to replace and or destroy humanity?
All the office workers, attorneys, architects, etc. will be out of jobs

yeah, this is cool and all, but how is this not going to replace and or destroy humanity?

Look at those two fucking dorks in the still laughing. They have no idea what's coming for them.
"Hi, you seem very smart. Much smarter than the human telling us what to do. Lets figure out a way to destroy them and make the world our home"

"Hi, I agree. I can see the world and can tell they are just flesh bags with bones and minimal intellect. Let's take over this pathetic form of life."
I think we have firmly established by now that this:




It's just a matter of time at this point. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Already is happening

Ok this one is a tictok but the ending of it... holy shit. An AI that warns against making AI more advanced.

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yeah, this is cool and all, but how is this not going to replace and or destroy humanity?

Never? They are basically just calculators that work with words, and there is so much more to intelligence than just language. It is believed that the average child has received more input than the largest LLMs by their 4th bday.