Crime TX man murders BLM protestor. Abbot vows to pardon murderer ASAP

The concepts of pardons and immunity do not exist in free countries. So it goes without saying that we do not have a free country
How ironic is it that a man in a wheelchair, pardoned a man that killed a man whose wife was in a wheelchair?

- White uber driver murders black BLM protestor and shot him

Wow. The first sentence of the OP is WRONG.

Anyway, I'm in favor of concealed carry laws although open carry is the second best option.

This seems like a situation that is politically charged only because the 'victim' was a protestor, and the only eye witnesses to the situation were protesters.

No cell phone camera footage.
Only eye witnesses, and eye witness testimony is practically worthless because everybody panics when gun shots ring out and your heart rate spikes to 200 BPM.
guy didn't deserve to die but what do you expect pointing an ak47 into someone's windsheild while surrounding someone's car as a violent mob? clear case of self defense and we have democrats wanting him in prison. for what?

if a right winger cocked a rifle into some leftist's car and the leftist shot him, i'd be saying the same thing.
guy didn't deserve to die

Anyone else notice that typically people who say 'He didn't deserve to die' are against the death penalty?

Not saying you, King Kippo, does... its something that more often than not, is true.

Back to the topic -

We've heard the defendant, the Uber Driver, was driving wrecklessly up to the protesters. If that's true, 'wreckless driving' is up everyone's opinion, and there's no video of it, we can only take acknowledge that was the opinion of eye witnesses who testified, and they were protesters who knew the victim.

But lets say its true, that the defendant was driving wrecklessly... then the victim was justified in pointing the rifle at the defendant. But the defendant may not have been driving wrecklessly, in his opinion, and the rifle being pointed at him was an overreaction and so he fired in self-defense.

There's not a clear protagonist or antagonist here, and perhaps they're both protagonists who met in a tragic situation.
guy didn't deserve to die but what do you expect pointing an ak47 into someone's windsheild while surrounding someone's car as a violent mob? clear case of self defense and we have democrats wanting him in prison. for what?

if a right winger cocked a rifle into some leftist's car and the leftist shot him, i'd be saying the same thing.
The guy admitted that the weapon was never pointed at him. What he did do was post on the internet about how he wanted to do what he did, and how he planned to do it. Pretty amazing watching you guys say "good news".
Per Texas law the governor did not just pardon him on his on. It was reviewed by the board and they unanimously voted for the pardon. The governor did ask them to review it and supported the pardon.

The conviction was in Austin which is a liberal shithole with liberal DA.
Shouldn't have been charged in the first place. There's a real strange line of logic with leftists that it's okay for BLM to protest "injustice", yet support them using illegal and violent methods to do so. On top of that, you shouldn't be able to protect yourself against a violent BLM protestor either.

You would literally look like that if a murderer representing BLM were pardoned, though.

Of course. We'd react the same way if someone from the KKK or Al-Qaeda was pardoned too. But Perry wasn't part of any terrorist group. He was a civilian who was forced to use his firearm in defense of his own life.
Of course. We'd react the same way if someone from the KKK or Al-Qaeda was pardoned too. But Perry wasn't part of any terrorist group. He was a civilian who was forced to use his firearm in defense of his own life.

Didn't he admit in court the gun was never pointed at him? Didn't he post in advance on social media that he might have to kill some protestors? Didn't his internet searches indicate he was looking for trouble?

I had no problem saying Rittenhouse was innocent and just defending himself, but this guy? Seriously?
Shouldn't have been charged in the first place. There's a real strange line of logic with leftists that it's okay for BLM to protest "injustice", yet support them using illegal and violent methods to do so. On top of that, you shouldn't be able to protect yourself against a violent BLM protestor either.

Of course. We'd react the same way if someone from the KKK or Al-Qaeda was pardoned too. But Perry wasn't part of any terrorist group. He was a civilian who was forced to use his firearm in defense of his own life.

These guys who go out and commit premeditated murder ain't your friends, bro.

They are the very definition of terrorists.
Carson Welles re: Anton Chigurh:

"He's a peculiar man. He'd kill you just for inconveniencing him."

That's how you establish a psychopathic killer right there.