PBP UFC 239: Jones vs. Santos - Preliminary Card PBP Discussion - 6:15 p.m. ET/3:15 p.m. PT

Giblert now slow as molasses. He looks underwater. Another old timer on his way out.

I would hope simply out.Made me wonder if it was his lack of dedication in camp just looking for a payday or if his body just can't reach those gears anymore.Probably a bit of both,gotta feed the fam first and foremost.
Not saying it was directly Diego's ummm..camp'ish thing lol,I think size and stylistically he was outgunned but after watching his trainer dance with a heavy bag it couldn't have any good effect.I love Diego's warrior spirit,never give up attitude,but I imagine if someone captured me for interrogation all they would have to do is bring in Sanchez to talk to me for 5 minutes and i'd give it all up,just stop =/
Wow 4 great fights left!

Usually I take a lot of dogs,I really just didn't like this card for dogs.There were nice lines,but so many variables and considerations to make that none of them felt decent.


Hopefully i'm wrong in the last 4,I like Nunes but I like Holm as a fighter and she could kinda finish what legacy she has left.Rockhold,who I have really tried to like but he seems like the biggest d-bag.I like Askren,followed his wrestling career as I wrestled and i'm up there in age but I just,and probably shouldn't,but I got sucked into the passive aggressive,shit talking dislike thing and I feel like someone should have some striking at the top.I find him funny as hell though,Masvidal fan in me makes me learn plus he's way more entertaining.If Jones gets ko'd I might get teary eyed lol.
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My Bourbon of the night is Knob Creek, courtesy of Luke......since he’s a knob....get it?
solid nut shot in the last 3 minutes of action lol.

Rockhold looks gassed...
After the bell but very close. Very unfortunate.
lol henry hooft with the "don't stop fighting" means his fighter is about to give up
That was a left behind the ear, not a kick after the bell, that rocked Rockhold
I'd bet 2 of my limbs that Rockhold face replaces Rashad's