UFC fighters with kung fu attribute?


Gold Belt
May 30, 2013
Reaction score
This is ridiculous! I have seen kung fu practitioner having very good balance and flexibility as well as great body control.

For example the ability to balance on a pole on one leg allows better power when someone throws a kick. That and the horse stance is great for base strength which improves plyometrics.

The style of hung gar inspired various forms of karate while pangai noon kung fu was the ORIGINAL version of uechi ryu style karate.

I find it very weird that kung fu has such a bad rap despite the fact that it has physical culture and cardio training. Morning times Shaolin students run stairs for morning cardio which lots of athletes do. That and shaoiu jao is their judo and chin na/eagle claw is their aikido.

Look real kung fu masters are built in old age:

ChiuWai1.jpg 21017_ChiuWai.jpg
Plus Kung Fu has the best song

This is ridiculous! I have seen kung fu practitioner having very good balance and flexibility as well as great body control.

For example the ability to balance on a pole on one leg allows better power when someone throws a kick. That and the horse stance is great for base strength which improves plyometrics.

The style of hung gar inspired various forms of karate while pangai noon kung fu was the ORIGINAL version of uechi ryu style karate.

I find it very weird that kung fu has such a bad rap despite the fact that it has physical culture and cardio training. Morning times Shaolin students run stairs for morning cardio which lots of athletes do. That and shaoiu jao is their judo and chin na/eagle claw is their aikido.

Look real kung fu masters are built in old age:

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If I wore my pants over my belly button id look ripped too.
next weekend, Muslim "King of Kung Fu" Salikhov is fighting. i don't know his exact style or training
If I wore my pants over my belly button id look ripped too.

Then do That!

next weekend, Muslim "King of Kung Fu" Salikhov is fighting. i don't know his exact style or training

I know san shou is their puglistic expression or as they refer pugilism as their " delivery system" but aside from that the Chinese take pride in their preferred style and the principle it represents.