UFC needs more mismatches


Jun 9, 2018
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Granted it's great that every fighter more or less is world class and fights are competitive however it would build fights up if we had longer win streaks and impressive demolition jobs. (which would also mean a lot more ko's and fun finishes)

Just hire a bunch of 12-10 kinda characters and have your prospects go through them like butter. That way when they face someone decent it will mean a lot more.

It's hard to get excited when fighters alternate wins and losses all the time....
I think they should have a chimpanzee division. Everybody likes chimps.
Nice way to further water down fight cards.
In the red corner..

Rebook Jan Finney vs Cyborg. Have Kim Winslow ref it again.
Dana should start a new show called “off the streets Contender series”

he goes out to random bars or public events and yells WHO WANTS TO BE A FUCKIN FIGHTER! picks two regular dudes out the crowd to fight in the show

Would be like CM Punk vs Mike Jackson every week
Matt Hughes vs Royce Gracie 2 would be a lot closer this time. Make it happen Dana!!!

On a side note, what percentage of spacker do you think Hughes is now?
UFC should bring back bully beatdown, that shit was fun to see.
That is what is rizin is for.
I actually agree with this. Everyone loves to see a good beat down.
Just do as boxing does. Main event. Couple good undercard fights and rest beatdowns.
the only thing real about that show was mayhem's mental illness
I dont know bro, maybe the beef and stories were manufactured but when those guys were getting hit you could see the shots were making impact.