Media UFC now forcing British fans to pay PPV fee to watch certain events on BT Sport

...bout time you cheap fucks pony up and contribute SOMETHING to the sport.
Every 230ish years or so the British forget to pay their fair share and have to be spanked by old Uncle Sam.
Really infuriates me this. I basically have Virgin Media at about £70 per month purely because I get BT Sport, and I can record UFC events.

I am an avid fan of the sport and I wont pay for it, so I cant imagine that casual fans will. This is so detrimental for the development of the fan base here.

WME after that Anderson Silva money playboy.

To be fair the start times are to please US consumers. I thought 10PM was too late but its 1AM in the UK
Pretty sure there's an 8 hour time difference (at least from the westcoast) which would make there start times either 3am or 6am so I could see why they weren't being charged for PPV and the BT Sports deal probably made up for the lost PPV revenue and then some.
Every 230ish years or so the British forget to pay their fair share and have to be spanked by old Uncle Sam.
Lol, except the only time they fought "Old Uncle Sam" was the one getting spanked until the French intervened.
As a proud american who doesnt pay for mma and never will I will say this is kinda ludacris.

It doesnt matter if they get it for free. It doesnt matter if they are "forced" to pay (hahaha forced).

Everyone streams everything now.
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By "free" do you mean paying around £40 a month for the channel it's on and now being asked to pay an extra £20 on top despite it not starting until 3am?

Typical American thinking they know it all.
So just to be clear, the only thing you watch on a channel you pay £40 a month for is the UFC?
Thank You sir from me and many of the many MMA Community. This will only raise more money to make the sport bigger. It's about time!! It wasnt right US Americans are being made to pay over $70 for it while UK fans pay nothing.Next up should be brazil and other poor countries. They can at least pay $5 each. What you guys think? This is the only way to help generate more money for MMA and make the sport grow.

#Facts #Dealwithit #ThankYouDanaAndLorenzo #SupportMMAPayforViewing.
Shouldn't you be mad that you pay $70 for the PPVs, instead of being happy that others are paying $20 or whatever?
Brits always rubbed it in our faces that they got ufc free with bt sports. Well now how bout them apples?
To be fair, I don't think any of us should be paying for the UFC's bullshit.
Other countries? It's all about networks that negotiate international broadcast fees and rights depending on region. Good for them for providing its viewers with free everything UFC.
Agreed. Fuck the British.
If it were up to me the more European you are the more you had to pay with like really snobby French people paying like 300$ per PPV maybe brits pay like 120$, that would be satisfactory for me personally
TS should stick to making threads about how girls wont talk to him on social media.
That is great, It will mean so much more money for all the fighters...................
They are going to lose money on this deal. I say this as a Merican, but the price is TO DAMN HIGH, even though I buy them all. I am sorry for your pockets UK.