Media UFC-president Dana White catches a FedEx worker on a bad day

That is pretty normal. Those guys gotta load few hundred packages per hour. There is some sort of quota they need to fufill.
Nothing wrong with calling out someone doing a shitty job.
You can tell the guy is explosive, with 2 months of training he can get to DWCS and then champ.
Power Slap champ with 2 weeks of actual training.

It is well known that throwing boxes is the best base for slapping
The amount of stuff I order is crazy, and I hardly get anything broken on delivery
Quite a few empty Amazon bags tho

All these private delivery companies always charge you stupid fees, like a “handling fee”
Is that the fee for the guy to toss your package, lol
They are all hit and miss in one way or another

But regular CanadaPost is so slow, sometimes it takes a week for a package to go an hour away in same city
and expensive as fuck compared to USA media mail
All these post about firing the guy is hilarious. I'm a truck driver too I guarantee if FedEx fires me UPS picks me up the next week.

Funny video though guy truly gives 0 fucks
Maybe tossing it to another worker inside? Tossing them like that isnt space effective and would pile up and fall out, so someone might be arraging them inside.
Mayby cost is big but couriers dont earn lot of money. Its hard stressfull work with shitty payment.
I was working couple of months like that and i quit, after a while you see payment and start to throwing things around.
Mayby lobby for better couriers payment you will get better service.

Cost isn't gonna go down if courier pay goes up.

Plus, in the US, most courier drivers and workers make a decent salary. Ups/FedEx drivers can make 70k+
doesn't exactly surprise me, but... that's pretty god damn bad. that dude should be strung up.
If it doesn't say fragile it was getting tossed from one belt to another, tossed when unloaded in the factory, tossed when sorted to a more specific location, tossed when getting loaded to the region it was going to. These boxes are going down big chutes too getting smooshed together in bottlenecks. Literally multiple guys on our shifts had the job of repairing broken open packages and taking larger and more fragile items specifically. Buddy in the video is just doing the behind closed doors shit in the open.

You think that's bad then you don't want to hear about shit that went down when I worked in restaurants before that.
Current UPS employee, this is all 100% accurate
Dana looking old in this video
Hope that FedEx guy gets fired or reprimanded.

The cost to ship stuff is outrageous and then they have shit attitude workers tossing untold amount of merchandise around.

Then make it nearly impossible to get reimbursement when they damage or lose your item.
Awww is this little gated community kid offended by the peasant being unhappy at work?
Bottomline: that dude ain't doing hard labor.

So, screw all you sympathizers looking at that piece of crap disrespecting the purchases of hard working Americans, Visitors and Illegal Aliens who rely on FEDEX and other similar services. <lol>

He's just a piece of shit -- at least for that day. Tomorrow he can migrate to Cali and start contaminating Fast Food for $20/hour.

A piece if crap gets on a bus in Vegas -- a piece of crap gets off a bus in Los Angeles.
Dana shitting on people making way less money than him is nothing new.
everyone's immediate jump to "fire" someone is really alarming.

give someone an opportunity to improve, then fire. I'm sure they follow a just culture model or something similar.

maybe he knew it was a giant shipment of textbooks lol
Wait isn't this normal? Personally never worked in but have had friends/family that went through stuff like this.

They have extreme quotas in terrible work conditions. Stuff like this is normal even moreso behind the scenes.