Underrated/Hidden Gem NES Games

I can remember if it was good, one of my first NES was BLADES of Steel. Caps because i am sure the intro was load as shit.
I guess it would be different depending on which neighborhoods had NP

I grew up in a small ass town in buttfuck nowhere Canada pretty poor and a lot of us had NP so I assumed it was something a lot of people had.

lol i hear that, remember my buddies ripping the mortal kombat move lists out of EGMs at the pharmasave
lol i hear that, remember my buddies ripping the mortal kombat move lists out of EGMs at the pharmasave
It was funny back in the day.

Take the movesheet to the freaking arcade and get $20 in quarters as you try to memorize the move list for mk 2 and 3. Especially the pits and subway levels
I don’t know if this would be a “hidden gem” or not, but one of my favourite NES games was Adventure Island II. I loved riding the dinosaurs as a kid

Gargoyles Quest
Bucky O'Hare
The Little Mermaid (same team from Capcom that did Ducktales)
I loved the shit out of this game as a kid:


Originally developed as an Atari arcade game, it was ported to Nintendo in 1989.
Gengis Khan
Nobunaga's Ambition
Romance of the Three Kingdoms.
Marble Madness
Solar Jetman- one of my favorites
Base Wars - pretty fun robot baseball