Elections US Election day(s) PBP days 2, 3 & 4

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Yes it has been debunked. And also declared historically fraudulent. Maybe do a bit of research outside the echo chamber of your bias Mr Intelligence community.

I´m also not a leftist. Swing and a miss.

You're making stuff up.

"It has been debunked" is not an argument.

All the founding fathers of fascism were socialists.
Trump is the one who 'had it in the bag' late tuesday/wedneday morning .. and then in the dead of the night when trump was running away with it, they announced counting would be stopped for the night and sent employees home .. couple hrs later 100s of thousands of solely biden votes magically appeared out of nowhere in both wisconsin and michigan .. this is not going away .. the fraud will be brought to light

They sent the poll watchers home, then kept counting through the night with zero oversight, as torrents of strangers entered with unchecked containers. This is a banana republic.
They are trying to mix in enough fraudulent Biden votes to steal the state.
Dave Wasserman just gave a very useful, detailed breakdown of the remaining votes in these key states. He thinks Trump squeaks by in Arizona and Biden is all but guaranteed to get Penn
That's probably the case. Especially since it'd all the Philly votes being counted now. It'll give Biden Pennsylvania
They are trying to mix in enough fraudulent Biden votes to steal the state.

Right I was looking for a serious answer I forgot this is sherdog.

Also, he's currently projected as winning, albeit by a slim margin. I thought all the rigging occured in states trump was winning?
So how many states is Trump gonna ask for a recount in?

He sure as shit aint winning this as it stands.
As many as it takes.

This entire thing has evolved into what could be the biggest shit show ever for a presidential election. I think it was @Lead I remarked too before the election that allowing this volume of mail ins and then counting for days or weeks after the election would devolve into something bad and that no matter the result, many will never accept it as a true result. Its a bad situation.

Yea that honestly just doesn't sound right. There is so much potential fuckery with these mail in ballots. I have an American freind that told me there has never been an election like this before.
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