International Venezuela loses its last glacier as it shrinks down to an ice field

Nobody denies climate changes ding dong. These glaciers have been receding for thousands of years and have had multiple eras of yo-yo effect on their glaciers due to the tropical climate. You’re forgetting the unquantified “anthropological” part and its a pretty important distinction to make.

The remnant of this last glacier has been 2 square kms for the last 30 years.

Everything about this is absolute comedy but this might be the funniest part:

Lol. These idiots say the dumbest shit.
What do you mean? Its thought that the arctic was ice free after the end of the last ice age about 11,000 years ago.
Not sure what you're talking about, I don't see doom for the planet. I see major changes in our environment that we caused.
Naw. Major climate changes happen with or without humans. You ever opened a book? No doubt we’re contributing excess plant food to the world, likely increasing temps to more favourable conditions.
What do you mean? Its thought that the arctic was ice free after the end of the last ice age about 11,000 years ago.

Why would you think that, because of something that Al Gore said?

Naw. Major climate changes happen with or without humans. You ever opened a book? No doubt we’re contributing excess plant food to the world, likely increasing temps to more favourable conditions.

Favorable conditions for whom? The earth is a big place with many different environments and climates.
Why would you think that, because of something that Al Gore said?

Favorable conditions for whom? The earth is a big place with many different environments and climates.
How about PNAS?

Guess how many species of living organisms have died from climate change while humans weren’t here?

Change and death scares you. It’s the root of all of this hyperbolic nonsense.
How about PNAS?


Apologies, I misread your original statement. Yes, the Arctic has been Ice free at times throughout the history of the earth. Sea levels were much higher and environments around the world were very different as well. Minimal change can be managed, but big shifts in the planets heat, water and carbon cycles could have really big effects on different environments around the world.
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Naw. Major climate changes happen with or without humans. You ever opened a book? No doubt we’re contributing excess plant food to the world, likely increasing temps to more favourable conditions.

Yeah, but these usually take longer than what we are seeing right now or cataclysmic events that led to the extinction of a lot of species.

We know the earth can survive anything we throw at it, the issue isn't Earth, its us.
Yeah, but these usually take longer than what we are seeing right now or cataclysmic events that led to the extinction of a lot of species.

We know the earth can survive anything we throw at it, the issue isn't Earth, its us.
oh you know this from the questionable data we have for about 150 years. Quite a claim bro

You understand that extinction is normal, right?

The issue is your warped, misanthropic brain.
I get a chuckle from the fact that most people frothing about 1 minute to doomsday, we must act, climate doomers are also people who believe what we’re experiencing is complete fluke. Weird to see people so flippant about reality pretending to be fiercely invested in saving a meaningless occurence.
oh you know this from the questionable data we have for about 150 years. Quite a claim bro
"questionable data"

Dude what?

You understand that extinction is normal, right?
And? so is dying, murder, war etc, etc.

The issue is your warped, misanthropic brain.
No, my issue is that im somewhat conservative and keeping our way of life is important to me, that involves taking care of the space we live in.
"questionable data"

Dude what?

And? so is dying, murder, war etc, etc.

No, my issue is that im somewhat conservative and keeping our way of life is important to me, that involves taking care of the space we live in.
Did I stutter? Yes questionable data, how long do you think we’ve been tracking real information?

No no dipshit. Extinction happens without us. You just rhymed off human choice. Is your brain working?

Rod show me the data that suggests the recessions in Venezuela have not occurred previously.

Show me the science Roderick, don’t be shy.
I get a chuckle from the fact that most people frothing about 1 minute to doomsday, we must act, climate doomers are also people who believe what we’re experiencing is complete fluke. Weird to see people so flippant about reality pretending to be fiercely invested in saving a meaningless occurence.

That's a strange take on this, what we're experiencing isn't a complete fluke. The earth's temperature is rising while the sun's irradiance has dropped, and the only extra source of heat that we can see was caused by us.
What do you mean? Its thought that the arctic was ice free after the end of the last ice age about 11,000 years ago.

No, it is not thought that the arctic was completely free of ice for a sustained period of time 11,000 years ago or 5000 years ago. That's ridiculous. The general consensus is at least a few million years.

No, it is not thought that the arctic was completely free of ice for a sustained period of time 11,000 years ago or 5000 years ago. That's ridiculous. The general consensus is at least a few million years.

There was a period at the end of the last ice age that had reduced sea ice coverage in the artic during summers, but it was definitely not ice free.

I will say it's quite amusing to watch these guys make comments about the historical climate patterns, then two seconds later say we can't know anything about the climate because we've only been collecting data for 150 years.
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No, it is not thought that the arctic was completely free of ice for a sustained period of time 11,000 years ago or 5000 years ago. That's ridiculous. The general consensus is at least a few million years.

There was a period at the end of the last ice age that had reduced sea ice coverage in the artic during summers, but it was definitely not ice free.

I will say it's quite amusing to watch these guys make comments about the historical climate patterns, then two seconds later say we can't know anything about the climate because we've only been collecting data for 150 years.
We have broad understandings of fluctuations, clearly. The hard data being argued is again, a fairly recent thing. Yikes.

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