Social Very Old Accounts - Are any of the ancients still around?

I had an 02, around mid to late summer I'm guessing.

Even with my "new account" it's still past the two decade mark

Well that's because likes didn't exist til pretty recently. No need to feel bad.
if you want an accurate number, id say quadruple what you have now.

Mines pretty good but that's because I don't post often.
That and they have “reset “ the likes at least once I can remember, so the numbers are meaningless really.
Damn there are some guys I've not seen in a while.

Been trying to remember some of the old guys when I first came here.
I had an account here back when Frank Dux was sleeping fools in the Orient.

Back then you had to call into a hotline and talk to other karate men.
You have to be pretty old to have a 2001 account... And I'm sure talking about Mc Donalds isn't a big enough reason for these guys to even remember their log in...

If I ever get logged out that will probably be the end of me
I think thats one of the old(est) accounts on here
i actually found the oldest. @CarnalSalvation
i don't think there's another december 16 2001 date. there's quite a few with dec 19 2001, but nothing older than that, besides this account.

yeah but does that count?
CarnalSalvation was last seen: May 27, 2010

I am thinking alive and kicking accounts.
This dude might be dead (in that case Rip lil fella)
yeah but does that count?
CarnalSalvation was last seen: May 27, 2010

I am thinking alive and kicking accounts.
This dude might be dead (in that case Rip lil fella)
eh, you got a point. he may come back?
but without that, december 19 2001 is the oldest date. so the oldest accounts are soon to be 22 year old.
Is artoffighting still around? That guy had the oldest account.
There used to be a couple ‘98 or ‘99’s floating around back in ‘07. Or maybe im just making that up
remember when we didn't even have a UFC section yet?
but we had a rickson gracie section

I think the format right after that one was my favorite one

i think doc came back for a bit around ‘09
There used to be a couple ‘98 or ‘99’s floating around back in ‘07. Or maybe im just making that up
i think the infrastructure change made it impossible to have an earlier date than december 2001. not 100% sure, but i think that's how it works.
i think the infrastructure change made it impossible to have an earlier date than december 2001. not 100% sure, but i think that's how it works.
This is true. The forums changed from geocities and they reset everyone’s join date and post count. I joined in 99 and there were only abou 50 or so members posting! Those were great times.