Video: Feminist Man roundhouse-kicks pro-life woman

The free propagation of these sorts of trolls is directly your fault, due to your letting them back in repeatedly, and not properly cleaning things up. This is your responsibility. I gave you a perfect example of how these people are allowed to do this, and you are turning a blind eye to it. Regardless of your disappointment with my disappointment in you, the right thing is available to you, and you should do it because it is the right thing, and not ignore it because you're unhappy with the way we have interacted lately.

lmao at how butt touched you are over a Karate forum.

the internets are teh srs bzns
Bow to your Sensie, bitch - BOW TO YOUR SENSIE!!<45><Lmaoo>

Three month training camp and this kid is UFC Champ material. He just needs to focus on TDD; his stand up is already lethal.
They should put this rainbow champion in a cage vs Datsik or Igor and see how brave he become.
zombie bump and all but that dudes windup before the kick really reminds me of this gif

Killer whale is a prick
Total dickhouse move.

The worst thing about time travel not existing is I won't be able to go back in time and watch an ichthyosaur wreck shop when these fucking orcas pull tried to pull this shit in the western interior sea.

That's it, I am starting a dinosaur thread.
Yeah I think it's safe to say he's not all there.
He's special, normal, and above criticism.. lady gaga and other Hollywood personalities told me so.
He claims he was only trying to hit her phone, why even try to kick a persons phone makes no sense just go about your way and protest, no need and throwing a fit

Why'd he stick his tongue out like that? hahaha
That guy is definently contemplating the intricasies of moves no one has heard of. Lando Vannata 2.0
Dont bring up other feminists without bringing up trigglypuff first.... The insanity is otherworldly.

15 minute version.

Total dickhouse move.

The worst thing about time travel not existing is I won't be able to go back in time and watch an ichthyosaur wreck shop when these fucking orcas pull tried to pull this shit in the western interior sea.

That's it, I am starting a dinosaur thread.
naaaaaaaaa dino has small brain, just like Cuck Norris I guess.
the proper penalty is he must face Paul Harris in the octagon with Herb Dean as ref.

If I were king of this shit it would be done.

Having never actually seen where those gigs come from,I hope that woman is doing better now than she is in that video, because stupid, bitter and obese is a bad way to go through life.