Was Dagestan a country?


Blue Belt
Feb 11, 2015
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Before Russia conquered the land in the early 1800's, was Dagestan its own country? Or did it belong to another country?
It was a province of Kekistan, which has since been absorbed into what is now known as Czechoslovakia.
1921 founded as a Republic

Prior to that it was a general region that changed hands between Persian and Muslim rule

It gets badmouthed often by Russians who harbor anti-muslim sentiment

...occasionally Donald Cerrone accuses its citizens of islamic terrorism, because he trained on a deep south farm in the middle of an internet-devoid wasteland for a little too long
1921 founded as a Republic

Prior to that it was a general region that changed hands between Persian and Muslim rule
Changed hands between Muslims and Persians? I thought Persians were Muslim..
It was a province of Kekistan, which has since been absorbed into what is now known as Czechoslovakia.
not sure what you're trying to pull here, bub. czechoslovakia does not exist.
Are you saying Persia wasn't always Muslim?

Were you home schooled? The Persian empire was around for several centuries BC. Christianity started in the first century AD and Islam several centuries later.
Dagestan is beautiful
That region is very beautiful, the mountains views are amazing but tbh every time I saw a video or picture of everything else I found it super ugly. Makhachkala for example looks awful, from the capitals Vladikavkaz, Ossetia looks very cute.
Muhammed's body wasn't even cold when Persia fell to Islam.
It's one of those things they like to say to differentiate Persians from Arabs as if Persian/Iranian peoples aren't Islam fanatics