We Don't Have to Pay Taxes No More?

Where's all this magical giveaway money coming from?
From our futures. We have a huge mess coming in the form of deficits the like we may never have seen. The difference is that if Biden wins in November his business-unfriendly and socialist leaning policies will hamper the economy so badly that we won't be able to generate the sufficient tax revenue to get ahead of this anytime soon. At least if Trump wins we will have a strong enough economy to better withstand the effects of the coming deficits.
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Jesus do you people not know how to read? It’s just deferred. Means you pay for it later like in April. Not saving you a dime. Also you sound poor
Dangit, I want a tax break but I make too much money.

I wish I were poor like you lucky degenerates
I would have thought this is true, and I'd rather Trump in charge than Biden if i were American.

I’ve tried to explain this to my anti-trumpian wife.

These are our choices? A lunatic or a kid toucher?

Really? REALLY???

Good thing is, outta nowhere she bought me a new ipad!
Yeah. But at some point, something had to give. And this tax relief is only temporary. I think it’s overall a good thing. But he said if he gets re-elected, he’ll essentially make it permanent. Now, I really fucking doubt he will make it permanent. But from what I understand, if he does, you can kiss social security and Medicare goodbye. Short term, this is good. Long term, not so good.
I'm just glad they extended the deferment on the student loan interest until the end of the year now. I like my payments going to straight principle. But I gotta wonder if the government is reimbursing the loan servicers because you know they still want to get paid.
Anyone else get the feeling that no matter the election result the VAST amount of United Staters are gonna get ass raped?

See thats the thing... The only thing you get to vote on is the color of the dildo that they will use to ass rape you.
Its a given you will get ass raped.
But at least you guys get to vote on the color.
It's the payroll tax, not the entire federal income tax as far as I know. As to whether it has to be repaid, that depends on what happens later this year. President Trump has stated that he will try to get legislation passed so that repayment won't be necessary. Biden has not yet agreed to this, so it appears that a Trump victory makes it more likely it won't have to be repaid.

This makes a shit ton of sense since the people that need it most aren't working.
This makes a shit ton of sense since the people that need it most aren't working.
The payroll tax is designed to be a boost to the economy wo we don't fall into a depression that will cause a whole lot more people to lose their jobs.. There is also a $400 weekly check for the unemployed plus talk of another $1,200 check.
The payroll tax is designed to be a boost to the economy wo we don't fall into a depression that will cause a whole lot more people to lose their jobs.. There is also a $400 weekly check for the unemployed plus talk of another $1,200 check.

Yeah, but it won't do that at all. The whole thing is asinine like everything else he does.
Where's all this magical giveaway money coming from?

Its all magical my friend. They print any amount they like and always have. 26 trillion in debt should make that clear. That's 26,000,000,000,000.
Yeah, but it won't do that at all. The whole thing is asinine like everything else he does.
It probably will have a positive effect, as it will pump more money into the economy, and you obviously have no way of knowing that it won't. Besides, the fact that you say everything he does is asinine shows you to be a closed minded individual who isn't worth talking with. Even if you despise the man, to say everything he has done or will do is asinine is, well, asinine. He could literally cure cancer and you would still criticize him.

I think President Trump has done a fantastic job despite a constant barrage of mindless criticism from people like you who just do the equivalent of stamping their feet on the ground and refusing to listen to anything or anyone that doesn't bring you immediate satisfaction, much like a 2 year old throwing a tantrum. I have no patience for adults acting like children so I will do the right thing and hit that old ignore button!
It probably will have a positive effect, as it will pump more money into the economy, and you obviously have no way of knowing that it won't. Besides, the fact that you say everything he does is asinine shows you to be a closed minded individual who isn't worth talking with. Even if you despise the man, to say everything he has done or will do is asinine is, well, asinine. He could literally cure cancer and you would still criticize him.

I think President Trump has done a fantastic job despite a constant barrage of mindless criticism from people like you who just do the equivalent of stamping their feet on the ground and refusing to listen to anything or anyone that doesn't bring you immediate satisfaction, much like a 2 year old throwing a tantrum. I have no patience for adults acting like children so I will do the right thing and hit that old ignore button!

Whatever man. Have fun. Feel free to tell me one thing he's done.

He has rolled back EPA regulations, destroyed relationships with allies, imposed tariffs which hurt US workers more than anything else, pull out of accords, abolish the pandemic response team, had the secret service use taxpayer dollars to pay him when they stayed at his hotels, etc... It's one detrimental thing after another. People who hate him do so because they have a litany of reasons to do so.

The guy has the intelligence of a three year old. And, now he does this unilaterally. Ask any economist... a vast majority will say this won't help. The tax has to be repaid and employers will hold onto the extra money as its the most logical thing to do. It won't help shit.
was it worth more or less than the 4k penalty?
Lol either way fucked there shouldnt be a penalty regardless tho why do i need to be penalized fof not having insurance its bad enough not having it
It cost $400 a month with huge deductible not even worth it. Healthcare seems to only be affordable if u on medicaide here in us

Get it with your job and its cheaper and better. Or get a job you can get good insurance with. I don't make alot of money but having good insurance for me and my family is worth quite a bit of money thus increases the value of my job.

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