Well how about that? an American wins at Olympic lifting!

Im a good example of this. I do weightlifting and boxing. Im not naturally gifted in either category probably. Tall, small boned, lanky, ectomorph. And naturally not the best fighter probably. If i never trained i would get my ass handed to me in most fights probably. But thanks to martial arts and lifting weights i have improved significantly in those areas. I will never be conor mcregor, or have huge muscles. But i am stronger then the average guy. I have improved my proportions significantly, even though im still slim, i look aesthetic and sexy if i may say so myself ( girls dont like huge guys anyway) and i can defend myself in a fight, i can take on over 50% guys probably. I wont say that im a good fighter, real good fighters will kick my ass i think. But if you dont know how to fight, dont mess with me or you will get your jaw broke

i have alot room to get better in both sports too but yeah who cares about genetics. just do what you love and want and you can become good in it
I grew up revering Napoleon Bonaparte as my hero. I'm the kind of guy who is more than willing to serve a dictator as long as he does well at his job. I'm not afraid of tyranny because I know that trustworthy leaders will always have the best interests of their subjects at heart.

Eighteen year old kids are stupid. I was eighteen too. I was stupid. Younger-than-eighteen kids should never be allowed to think for themselves or be allowed to have any opinions other than conventional wisdom. Heck, people don't even have fully-developed brains until they're twenty-four or something. Naturally, as people get wiser, they should have more and more privileges. But those who are uneducated or still too young must be ruled with an iron fist, be told what to do, and should never be trusted with any real responsibility until they mature or learn things needed to learn.

Why were the Bulgarians in the seventies so remarkably successful in weightlifting? Because their coach, Abadjiev, plucked these athletes from poor homes, from places where these young ones could be molded the right way in the right environment under proper tutelage. It honed their minds and bodies and turned them into the legends that they are. They were never given the same luxuries and privileges as American athletes. They were bound by duty and carried their country's burden, and it made them heroes. Krastev, Boevski, Ivanov... Those guys.

Is it ever a good idea to trust your own judgement over your own Judo coach's? Or boxing coach's? Or MMA coach's? Of course not. I'd rather be a great automaton than a mediocre independent thinker. Let me be my Emperor Bonaparte's vicious bloodhound, a mindless and well-trained weapon at his disposal, just like a proper infantryman.

I'm an independent powerlifter. I think I can train myself better than most coaches. But even I trust someone else for my progress. I'm doing former Canadian weightlifting champion Doug Hepburn's training program, despite my own Google research pointing me to "experts" who think what he taught in his book was stupid. I'd say let them whine about how wrong I am. I'll smash their fucking hopes and dreams with my powerlifting numbers, crush their opinions under my heel as I win medals in the masters' division, and wipe my ass with their research papers. And I would be able to accomplish those simply because I stood on the shoulder of a giant.

I might end up having kids of my own. I hope so... I am saddened that, due to cultural norms, I can't mold them into how I want. I just wish that they would trust my guidance instead of listening to the world's idiocy. I wish things were different.

If the us could recruit some of those college football gym rats they might actually start winning. Some of those guys are absolute athletic freaks and throw up huge numbers in the quick lifts while not directly focusing on them. An example is Shawn Jordan the guys numbers in the Olympic lifts were absurd
There is not enough interest in weightlifting in the U.S. and even for those that are they often start at a later age. On the otherhand look at powerlifting over the past decade or two. The popularity of the sport has risen exponentially, which has increased the pool of lifters often time starting in their preteen years. This is part of the reason why we continue to see the bar being raised and records being shattered. Just look at what Taylor Atwood has done in the 74/75kg class. I honestly thought he would not be reached for a long time, but we got Austin Perkins right up his ass and with a high probability of him surpassing Atwood's record this coming weekend. Give it a decade or so and we may see John Haack get surpassed as the modern day GOAT. Jesus Olivares has also done crazy stuff recently as a SHW and currently the strongest powerlifter in the world.

Imagine this type of interest in weightlifting starting at a very young age?
I grew up revering Napoleon Bonaparte as my hero. I'm the kind of guy who is more than willing to serve a dictator as long as he does well at his job. I'm not afraid of tyranny because I know that trustworthy leaders will always have the best interests of their subjects at heart.

Eighteen year old kids are stupid. I was eighteen too. I was stupid. Younger-than-eighteen kids should never be allowed to think for themselves or be allowed to have any opinions other than conventional wisdom. Heck, people don't even have fully-developed brains until they're twenty-four or something. Naturally, as people get wiser, they should have more and more privileges. But those who are uneducated or still too young must be ruled with an iron fist, be told what to do, and should never be trusted with any real responsibility until they mature or learn things needed to learn.

Why were the Bulgarians in the seventies so remarkably successful in weightlifting? Because their coach, Abadjiev, plucked these athletes from poor homes, from places where these young ones could be molded the right way in the right environment under proper tutelage. It honed their minds and bodies and turned them into the legends that they are. They were never given the same luxuries and privileges as American athletes. They were bound by duty and carried their country's burden, and it made them heroes. Krastev, Boevski, Ivanov... Those guys.

Is it ever a good idea to trust your own judgement over your own Judo coach's? Or boxing coach's? Or MMA coach's? Of course not. I'd rather be a great automaton than a mediocre independent thinker. Let me be my Emperor Bonaparte's vicious bloodhound, a mindless and well-trained weapon at his disposal, just like a proper infantryman.

I'm an independent powerlifter. I think I can train myself better than most coaches. But even I trust someone else for my progress. I'm doing former Canadian weightlifting champion Doug Hepburn's training program, despite my own Google research pointing me to "experts" who think what he taught in his book was stupid. I'd say let them whine about how wrong I am. I'll smash their fucking hopes and dreams with my powerlifting numbers, crush their opinions under my heel as I win medals in the masters' division, and wipe my ass with their research papers. And I would be able to accomplish those simply because I stood on the shoulder of a giant.

I might end up having kids of my own. I hope so... I am saddened that, due to cultural norms, I can't mold them into how I want. I just wish that they would trust my guidance instead of listening to the world's idiocy. I wish things were different.
Holy shit dude. Get out of the house much?

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