Television What are some well-known TV series you've never watched?


Aug 11, 2023
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For example, I never watched that Syfy show (A Town Called) Eureka.
The White Lotus

Sort of on topic, I've been causally checking out "Family Ties" recently, and I've been surprised at how good it is. For the longest time, I thought it was "Full House" before Full House. Some lame ass "family comedy", with a melodramatic lesson in every episode, but it's pretty damn good for a wholesome family oriented sitcom. Watching MJF be some heartless ass conservative minded guy, being raised by Liberal hippies, is fuckin' hilarious. I only knew him from BTTF, but now I understand why he was such a a hot commodity at the time. He owns that show. He's like a sophisticated Al Bundy.


Brady Bunch

Partridge Family

Big Bang Theory

2 and half men
You need to check out GOT. Yes, the last season sucked but the first few were some of the best tv ever.
i havent really given it a go. i watched the first episode of s1 and wasnt really digging it.
The shield
The wire

All highly acclaimed. But I know for a fact i won't every watch wire and sopranos, shields seems like a series i'd really like.
Probably most of them.


Game of thrones

Seinfeld (Only a few episodes)

And many many more.
The Wire. I tried. Too boring.

I only got through the first season and got bored too.
Characters were good, Omar was cool, but the writing was meh at times.
The X-Files.

I've seen a couple episodes, and I've seen the theatrical movies, but I've never sat down and watched the whole thing. I need to get on it.
The Office is another big one.

so many memes and gifs of this show, and many claim it to be the funniest ever. I could never get into it.