*What are the chances of Khabib scoring a TD asap, Gaethje being unable to stand up, quick RNC?*

Justin Gaethje by KO round 2. Khabib doesn't even get close to a single takedown.
Is Gaethje good enough to get to his feet if Khabib takes him down? Is his sub defence good enough?

Khabib said he wanna took his soul, like he did with McGregor, but considering Justin's power, he won't let him have too many chances on their feet.
*What are the chances of Khabib scoring a TD asap, Gaethje being unable to stand up, quick RNC?*

I just did the calculation :

18.3% probability of that.
Eh it's a real possibility but I doubt he goes for the kill early
guess we'll have to watch the fight to get the answers
No chance gaethe loses quick

If anyone loses quick it's khabib

Gaethe will lose if he gasses somewhere between round 3-5
Khabib has only finished 18 of 28 fights. Odds are it doesn't end early. It's been 7 years since Khabib finished one in the first round. First round blitzes are not his style. Khabib takes them down and grinds them out.
Only 18/28. That's all.
Its possible, but Gaethje should have good enough wrestling to avoid a sub while he's fresh.