Crime What did the cops do wrong today Megathread Vol. 6 ? (who knows, lots of cop threads)

I thought that the lie the cop told was debunked? She was not in tactical gear. That was a cover up BS. LoL at excuses for smoking an innocent teen girl when they had her photo.

Just lol at throwing a disabled man to the concrete and arresting him.

Insane. Protect and serve.

I don’t know about the tactical gear, whether true or untrue. Same with the shots being fired from her side of the car. All I posited is that there was confusion when she ran towards the cops. Either way, it’s embarrassing and if the former is not true, it is truly sad and fucked up.

As for the turds that arrested a guy in a wheelchair after pushing him over, it’s fucked up. And the douche on the video could have simply said that, but he dropped the p word and was annoying as hell about it. I have seen other videos of him and he’s always like that. It would be pretty funny if he got his ass beat and then called the police for help, and despite his douchebaggery, they would still respond and help him because that’s what normal cops do. Not all are normal and there are far too many shithead cops out there and I will never defend them or their actions. When I defend cops on their actions, I only do so if there is case law to back it up or if a tragic mistake happens like when Kim potter shot the guy thinking she was drawing her taser. Of course this was after the dude resisted arrest for a warrant and tried to jump back in the car to flee in a vehicle. If he had not resisted, he would still be alive to commit more crimes. But of course, shitbags from blm rioted over yet another turd criminal.

The system is broken. Corruption everywhere.

I saw that one yesterday. I mean, there's just no f*cks given when you're blatantly planting evidence while on bodycam. Either they did that because they're that stupid/brazen, or they count on the public never seeing the video.

The system is broken. Corruption everywhere.

This story is fucking insane.

The department's internal investigation cleared the cop despite the obvious evidence that she manufactured an open container, and the chief is defending her and complaining that the bodycam footage was made public.

Also, the States Attorney is going through with the sham DUI trial against this guy on the off chance that an extremely stupid jury convicts him and blows up any chance of him suing and winning a settlement.

This is a textbook example of how corrupt cops get their asses covered by the entire system.

Tyrant asshole doesn't like the First Amendment so he cuffs a man for the audacity of having a hand in his pocket. No laws broken. No law against hands in your pocket.

Man having issues begs cops not to kill him. So they kill him.

Arrested for a flashlight. Then they use flashlights all up in this shit. LoL.
I saw that one yesterday. I mean, there's just no f*cks given when you're blatantly planting evidence while on bodycam. Either they did that because they're that stupid/brazen, or they count on the public never seeing the video.

They count on judges, prosecutors and DAs all being a part of the injustice system. The system, including jails and prisons need to EAT. The need the people's money. So foot soldier cops are taught to lie, steal, kidnap etc. And they get rewards for doing so!

Isn't it fun?

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