What Do Righties Want to DO About Islam?


Nazi Punks Fuck Off
Platinum Member
May 11, 2016
Reaction score
Everytime there is an Islamic terrorist attack right wingers line up.

Fist they bash Islam with all the "Religion of peace" stuff and Koran verses about violence, etc.

Then they bash liberals for being soft, or feeble-minded or Islamic apologists, or whatever.

But beyond the groupthink and the conservative virtue signaling that bashing your "enemies" affords, what do you actually propose should be done about Islam??

Here are some policy options:
1) Forced deportation of all Muslims living in western countries to... I dunno, where?
2) Forced conversion of all Muslims via an Inquisition.
3) Islamic genocide within western countries.
4) World War 3: The West vs. The Caliphate (kill or covert to native population)
5) Other

Besides bashing liberals, what do you all actually propose is DONE about Muslims?
Seiger literally just did this thread, keep up man.
Everytime there is an Islamic terrorist attack right wingers line up.

Fist they bash Islam with all the "Religion of peace" stuff and Koran verses about violence, etc.

Then they bash liberals for being soft, or feeble-minded or Islamic apologists, or whatever.

But beyond the groupthink and the conservative virtue signaling that bashing your "enemies" affords, what do you actually propose should be done about Islam??

Here are some policy options:
1) Forced deportation of all Muslims living in western countries to... I dunno, where?
2) Forced conversion of all Muslims via an Inquisition.
3) Islamic genocide within western countries.
4) World War 3: The West vs. The Caliphate (kill or covert to native population)
5) Other

Besides bashing liberals, what do you all actually propose is DONE about Muslims?

Referring strictly to "radical Islam," a temporary ban on immigration from predominately Muslim countries with poor vetting systems would be a nice start.
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As far as official policy, I'd say the most viable solution would be:
Extensive vetting for immigration and refugees from those countries. We're talking doctors and engineers get in, everyone else no.
Deportation of violent mullahs, observation of suspect mosques, monitoring of online activities on certain forums and sites.
Declare Islam a political movement, not a religion, and therefore not subject to religious protections. If you want to work in a supermarket but not handle pork, then fuggoff.
Ideally, stop meddling in Middle Eastern affairs. This is the one the right claims to want, but then their boy Bush blasted Iraq to pieces. Do you know how many IEDs probably came from Iraqi Army depots? This is the trickiest one, because there are situations when a country with the military power and geopolitical will of the US could help effect positive change. This is, however, entirely hypothetical at this point.

Mind you, these measure mostly don't jive with the Constitution. So there's that.
Besides bashing liberals, what do you all actually propose is DONE about Muslims?
Bitch about life in online discussion forums, obviously.

This is the part of Shitdog that makes it "stormfront lite". At least the crazies at HQ own up to what they say and propose stupid shit like ban all Muslims. Here they're just too weak and involved in their impotent rage to offer any tangible ideas.
End muslim immigration, pretty simple.

Overcomplicated and overdramatized by the left because it's been infilitrated by islamists for years now and the Democrat party is designed around pandering idiotic policies to groups with high birth rates or they wouldn't be competitive.
Bitch about life in online discussion forums, obviously.

This is the part of Shitdog that makes it "stormfront lite". At least the crazies at HQ own up to what they say and propose stupid shit like ban all Muslims. Here they're just too weak and involved in their impotent rage to offer any tangible ideas.
You deliberately ignore the ideas and whimper about stormfront because you're a pseudointellectual incapable of serious debate. Makes it easy to cut you down to size so I can't complain. Stormfront stormfront stormfront.
Outside of the obvious, which is: strong immigration/doing the exact opposite Europe did, monitoring mosques, and pushing for reformation...

Leftists should probably stop enabling them and allowing them to slaughter people in broad daylight. That would be pretty good too.

Bitch about life in online discussion forums, obviously.

This is the part of Shitdog that makes it "stormfront lite". At least the crazies at HQ own up to what they say and propose stupid shit like ban all Muslims. Here they're just too weak and involved in their impotent rage to offer any tangible ideas.


You are an excruciatingly bad poster
do you believe in god? Yes
do you believe in my god? No

off with his head!
You deliberately ignore the ideas and whimper about stormfront because you're a pseudointellectual incapable of serious debate. Makes it easy to cut you down to size so I can't complain. Stormfront stormfront stormfront.
What "ideas"? All I see are blanket statements with no realistic viability. It's the same gullible attitude that Trump took advantage of: say you're going to do shit when you and everyone with half a brain knows why A) it doesn't work or B) it can't be done.

Trump already tried what you propose and it didn't stick. So either offer actual sugestions for policy (I'm talking specifics, let's expand beyond "MAGA") or continue to be called out.

This is why the rightwing has absolutely no clue on how to deal with social conflicts: when you're faced with an antagonistic demographic that can't just be wiped off the map like the natives were, just antagonizing them further won't do anything. It's the same boneheaded thinking that continues to create conflict with blacks, hispanics, the LGBT movement and now Muslims. Fuckers like you refuse to believe that you're forced to coexist with other groups and taking the high road sounds weak to you (mostly because weak people have no idea what actual strenght is).
1. Reduce the immigration quota from predominantly Muslim countries to 10% of what it is now

2. Pull all troops out of the middle East

3. Eliminate foreign aid to both Israel and all Muslim countries.

4. Gut the CIA, leave it with less than 10% of current funds it receives

5. Promote free trade with all, let other countries sort themselves out
- declare islam a violent ideology, ban it and criminalize it

- every citizen gets a synopsis of mohammeds biography (the crimes he committed), all the hadiths and surahs in the quran that command jihad against nonmuslims

- demolish every mosque, islamic school or place of worship

- deport or lock up all the imams and muslims with criminal records

- make it unlawful for people with a muslim background to have more than 2 children, better yet one child policy

- if a jihadi is caught alive, he will be executed and buried in pigs blood

yes it's racist blah, blah, blah....

but the alternative is bloody civil war or genocide of nonmuslims in the future
I'll keep on dismissing.

The real question should be " What will Islamists do about themselves ? "
Everytime there is an Islamic terrorist attack right wingers line up.

Fist they bash Islam with all the "Religion of peace" stuff and Koran verses about violence, etc.

Then they bash liberals for being soft, or feeble-minded or Islamic apologists, or whatever.

But beyond the groupthink and the conservative virtue signaling that bashing your "enemies" affords, what do you actually propose should be done about Islam??

Here are some policy options:
1) Forced deportation of all Muslims living in western countries to... I dunno, where?
2) Forced conversion of all Muslims via an Inquisition.
3) Islamic genocide within western countries.
4) World War 3: The West vs. The Caliphate (kill or covert to native population)
5) Other

Besides bashing liberals, what do you all actually propose is DONE about Muslims?

From the horse's mouth (or opposing end orifice):

"The other thing with the terrorists is you have to take out their families, when you get these terrorists, you have to take out their families. They care about their lives, don't kid yourself. When they say they don't care about their lives, you have to take out their families." - Donald Trump
Speaking of which, sort of surprised Big Donny wasn't impressed by the sarin gas attack and the slaughter of entire Muslim families.
End muslim immigration, pretty simple.

Overcomplicated and overdramatized by the left because it's been infilitrated by islamists for years now and the Democrat party is designed around pandering idiotic policies to groups with high birth rates or they wouldn't be competitive.
Ban Muslim immigration until the Syrian crisis is resolved, and ISIS/Al-Qaeda terrorist cells crushed. Re-visit the issue if terrorist activity in the Muslim countries decreases.

Increased surveillance/de-construction of mosques, especially the ones with a radical reputation.

I'd say that's a good start.

We don't need to start another Crusade here, all we need to do is to send the Muslim world a strong message, that Islam is in need of a reform, and that religious fundamentalism leading to terrorism will not be tolerated.
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