What has Trump done to you (Left WR Posters) personally through his legislation

I think they're in shock because they're totally indoctrinated by PC culture, and an old billionaire that doesn't have to play by those rules in life being in power is too much for their minds to register so they're finding other ways to rationalize it. This involves discrediting everything he does.

Or you know... a president who is afraid to alienate his KKK voter base by condemning their actions.

But no.. let's go around pretending that it's just because he is non-PC...

You do trumptards have even a tiny shred of integrity left?
I'm not a leftist imo but don't find him to be a good president. I liked the Supreme Court pick. Everything else sort of seems like a big pile of shit. His cabinet turn over is a joke, it's really bad. His use of twitter shameful. Health care awful, but that lies more with congress.

The feuding with the media is stupid, but both sides are to blame. His vacationing and golfing, after the way he blasted Obama, another shameful act. He has been called out by world leaders for telling the American public that they said and did one thing but in truth they never did. Gearing up for another military push in Afghanistan might not be well advised, it could just be media slant though.

He said a lot of stuff during his campaign that he has stepped back. overall so far not impressed, but he still has 3 1/2 or so years to change my mind I guess. I don't think it will happen but the far left is way to over sensitive about him for all the outrage against him.
Or you know... a president who is afraid to alienate his KKK voter base by condemning their actions.

But no.. let's go around pretending that it's just because he is non-PC...

You do trumptards have even a tiny shred of integrity left?

Single digit IQ fucking poster you are
^this guy, like he's on MSNBC or something
I guess it's pointless to try and explain to the carbon-copy trump drones that a sitting president should not be cutting wrestling promos in response to domestic terrorism..

To add to an already a colossal list of fuck ups of this joke of an administration

You're not even American

Who cares what you have to say about our president
I'm not a leftist imo but don't find him to be a good president. I liked the Supreme Court pick. Everything else sort of seems like a big pile of shit. His cabinet turn over is a joke, it's really bad. His use of twitter shameful. Health care awful, but that lies more with congress.

The feuding with the media is stupid, but both sides are to blame. His vacationing and golfing, after the way he blasted Obama, another shameful act. He has been called out by world leaders for telling the American public that they said and did one thing but in truth they never did. Gearing up for another military push in Afghanistan might not be well advised, it could just be media slant though.

He said a lot of stuff during his campaign that he has stepped back. overall so far not impressed, but he still has 3 1/2 or so years to change my mind I guess. I don't think it will happen but the far left is way to over sensitive about him for all the outrage against him.

You actually need this explained to you?

I guess throwing a retard rally is more important than doing potus shit.
Or you know... a president who is afraid to alienate his KKK voter base by condemning their actions.

But no.. let's go around pretending that it's just because he is non-PC...

You do trumptards have even a tiny shred of integrity left?

He did condemn their actions, many times

The outrage was that he also condemned ANTIFA instead of only condemning one side

Non Americans who don't know shit while also pretending to know more than Americans are very annoying

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