What is the worst advice you've received?

"You should make the best of it".

The issue is actually succeeding at this can have you stick around somewhere that isn't for you. After getting a new set of roomates in college I wasn't clicking with them or their culture at all. I was trying to go somewhere else for law school and I saw that as a chance of starting over. But I kept an open mind with my current surrondings and as time passed(about 2-3 years) I started to get along with all my roommates and their larger friend group(there was a girl involved in that). To the point where I got attached and decided to stay where I was after college. Once I'd decided to stay and had made school committments everything crashed and burned.

The professional part was kinda inevitable cause I discovered I'm not okay with the current status quo the social part was not. If I'd went anywhere else I'd have gotten a real chance at starting over that I cheated myself of because I made the best of a situation I was unhappy in. I should have closed myself off and not "made the best of it". Whether you like your current situation or hate it you need to be certain about what you want and where you want to be. Wavering on this can really fuck you over.
What do you think is better advice?
Coffee date, and then

"Don't worry about money because you can't take it with you"

The most miserable people I know piss all their money away on nonsense, and it causes major stress and unhappiness in their lives being broke all the time.
"Don't worry about money because you can't take it with you"

The most miserable people I know piss all their money away on nonsense, and it causes major stress and unhappiness in their lives being broke all the time.

I think all of that "money isn't everything" talk is coping.

Evey time someone says:
"You can't take it with you when you die."

I think: How's that affect me now?
"A Man who is his own Attorney has a Fool for a Client."

I strongly disagree in principle. When it comes to the important stuff in life, be as involved as Your aptitude allows. Whether it be Your legal situation, Health, Finances, major purchases or repairs. Whatever. Arm Yourself with knowledge which is readily available at most People's fingertips these days. It's not the 1980's. It doesn't take a mastery of the Dewey Decimal system and access to priveledged Ivy League Libraries to have access to information like it used to. Aside from a couple special relationships, no one in Your Life is going to care as much about what affects You, as You should Yourself.
I can’t honestly recall. I think people assume I’m too smart for advice and I’ll figure it out on my own but this sherbro could use some guidance sometimes.
The worst advice I received last time was when I needed to write a college report and was advised to do it on my own. Because they thought the topic of the report was simple enough and not complicated. But for me personally, the process turned out to be very difficult. I spent a huge amount of time trying to come up with something, but in the end I didn't manage to write even one line. Therefore, I asked for help and I was helped by a statement of purpose writer who made this report quickly and qualitatively. Now I regret only about the wasted time, which I could have spent usefully. I will not listen to any more recommendations.
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